If you are one of the almost 1 million Batman fans who follow our facebook page you will have noticed it's now longer visible.
Facebook (Meta) have suspended our page and within minutes of our appeal upheld their decision - giving us no other form of recourse.
The reason, they cite, is our page is guilty of "impersonation".
Let's be clear - our page is listed in the fan page category, it has "fan site" in the bio, and the name of the page is the URL of the very website you are on right now.
The facebook page has been active since 2010 and in that time has become hughly popular - becoming one of the biggest independent sources of Batman news and discussion on Meta's platform.
For myself and the other admins (who do an incredible job of honoring and celebrating the legacy of Batman in all his forms) this is a huge blow.
For context, the same suspension happened back in Sept 2024 - however at that time Meta had systems in place to contact customer service representives and raise tickets. Now it is very different - there is now way to talk to anyone...emails bounce back and phone numbers just have an automated message telling you to get "advice" on the facebook website.
The take away from all this is clear - f&ck Meta. If you run a fan page of any sort then rest assured they are going to shut you down too...it's already happening. Their AI backed bots are making decisions and humans are not there to employ common sense.
Thank you to all who contributed to our page and website. It's kind of hard to see where we go from here.
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by The Dark Knight
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