Relates to: Movies / Batman (1989) - Click here!
About this image: Here is the back cover, as you can see the 2 disc set includes the Prince Music, and is named slightly different (i.e.Wayne Party I-Vicky Waiting, Wayne party II-Electric Chair, End Titles-Scandalous). You can also just about makeout the 'added' cues/tracks which dont appear on the regular soundtrack, i.e. Robbery, Roof Money, Alley Meeting, Grissoms Men, Bad Guys Plaza, The Cave, Dinner, Kiss, Meet The Joker, Revenge Dice, Jokers Brewery, Jokers Commercail, Front Page 1, Museum Wait, Source Music, Boom!, Those Toys, Front Page II, Joker Visits Vicky, Searching For Clues,
by The Dark Knight
by The Dark Knight
by thecolorsblend
by The Dark Knight
by The Joker
by thecolorsblend
by The Dark Knight
by Silver Nemesis
by Silver Nemesis
by Silver Nemesis