Batman Debuts on VHS - Local News Report (Circa 1989)

Started by THE BAT-MAN, Thu, 27 Aug 2009, 02:13

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It's great to see footage like this especially on the 20th anniversary of this film.
We need to archive these finds.

Hey Ral, we need to archive these finds! Can someone passon the message?  ;D

Ahhh how I miss the old days ???

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

$25 was a bargain for vhs tapes in 1989/90 - early on most new releases ran around $89.99 if you wanted to own your own copy of sometihng - then they started selling certain titles at around $19.99 - i think pretty woman was one of those early bargains - so $24.99 was a steal at the time

i think i have 3 copies of bat 89 on vhs and i remember my 1st ever copy had sort of an imperfection down the right center of the screen - like a very slight slinky sort of impression in the tape - and no it did not come from watching it 10,000 times! - factory flaw i believe

Quote from: WingedFreak71 on Wed,  2 Sep  2009, 02:27
$25 was a bargain for vhs tapes in 1989/90 - early on most new releases ran around $89.99 if you wanted to own your own copy of sometihng - then they started selling certain titles at around $19.99 - i think pretty woman was one of those early bargains - so $24.99 was a steal at the time

i think i have 3 copies of bat 89 on vhs and i remember my 1st ever copy had sort of an imperfection down the right center of the screen - like a very slight slinky sort of impression in the tape - and no it did not come from watching it 10,000 times! - factory flaw i believe

My VHS had a factory flaw too, although I didn't know about it until 1993.  My tape had become warn and old and in fact some nasty mildew began growing in it since the bedroom I had at the time was in the basement in this old farm house and it flooded when it rained.  And it rained a lot that year!  It didn't wash me out, but some things did get ruined, namely my 500 piece Batman movie poster jigsaw puzzle that was fully assembled and mounted on heavy duty cardboard.  Anyway, I took the tape to a guy who made his own model plane videos and he said the tape was ruined and wouldn't work properly again.  He then noticed that the record tab was still in the tape!  If you look on the tape, all the way to the left on the spine there is an area for the record tab.  Blank VHS tapes have these, but the professional/studio VHS tapes do not.  I was amazed at this.  I then realized it was a good thing that I never hit the "record" button on accident while my tape was in the VCR. 

ooo Gary, Gary.. its ROBIN....   

and who was he talking to?