What's the better film: Forever or Returns?

Started by Shan45, Fri, 17 Jul 2009, 21:36

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Returns or Forever

Batman Forever
7 (17.5%)
Batman Returns
33 (82.5%)

Total Members Voted: 40

I gonnasta go with Returns. It's a masterpiece, and it's an unique film, and I think films of this kind aren't just made anymore. It's a homage to the older-films of the  40s. This is what makes Returns so special.

Forever, on the other hand, is more of a comic-bookish film. It's prone to a couple  moments of camp, and the film suffers because of it. Had the film had been a bit darker, the film would of been better for the good. As it stands, it's a good, but not great film about Batman.

I can see why some people don't like Returns, and I can see why some people don't like Forever. They are very much"Love It-or Hate It" films.

Quote from: Shan45 on Fri, 17 Jul  2009, 21:36
I gonnasta go with Returns. It's a masterpiece, and it's an unique film, and I think films of this kind aren't just made anymore. It's a homage to the older-films of the  40s. This is what makes Returns so special.

Forever, on the other hand, is more of a comic-bookish film. It's prone to a couple  moments of camp, and the film suffers because of it. Had the film had been a bit darker, the film would of been better for the good. As it stands, it's a good, but not great film about Batman.

I can see why some people don't like Returns, and I can see why some people don't like Forever. They are very much"Love It-or Hate It" films.

Need you even ask this question?  I realise that some poor, misguided people on other sites foolishly rate Forever over Returns, but I'd hope this question would be a no-brainer for most all of the people on this site.

Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Fri, 17 Jul  2009, 23:05
Need you even ask this question?  I realise that some poor, misguided people on other sites foolishly rate Forever over Returns, but I'd hope this question would be a no-brainer for most all of the people on this site.
On the one hand, I want to say there's room for everybody on this forum... but on the other hand... anything other than Batman Returns is wrong.  Period.

BR has that Old Hollywood flavor to the sets/models, the lighting, the camera moves, many of the costumes, etc.  It felt classic to me even when it was brand new.

BF?  Hasn't aged as well.  I liked it back in 1995 when I was a 14 and didn't know my @$$hole from my elbow.  I dug the stunts and the action and such.  And those things hold up, don't get me wrong.  But the casting?  The script?  The neon?  The movie felt dated a year after it opened.  Jones is a joke.  Carrey only cemented the perception that he was a one-note performer.  Kilmer is nigh indistinguishable from a plank of wood in some scenes.  He went through a crapton of emotional upheaval and torment in the film but Kilmer betrays none of that in his voice, face, body language, etc.

To me, BR is an absolutely valid and legitimate way to make a sequel (ie, divorced from its illustrious predecessor).

By that same token, BF is absolutely how NOT to make a sequel.  Audiences maybe wanted something less dark (although I question that) but that doesn't mean they want a freaking CARTOON!

I saw Forever just as I was discovering the broader world of Batman. Up to that point I only had the movies to go by - it was a different time..no internet and no available comics.

in 1995 i loved forever, seriously. it was more batman to me and i watched it over and over again.

What kinda question is that, I don't think anyone in their right mind would take Forever over Returns. But saying that i still do like Forever i don't know why i just can't hate it, Call it Nostalgia or whatever but i just like it and thats somthing i can't say about Batman And Robin though.

Returns butchers Forever in every aspect. There is no comparison.

In 1995, I remember seeing Batman Forever in the theaters and thinking it was a fun movie overall. However, I never really considered it at any point in time superior to Batman Returns, or Batman ... as they were much more to my liking. But even at a young age, I understood why there was a desire to 'lighten' up the franchise, and at that point in time, Schumacher's first entry into the series was a success.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Returns is the clear winner, there is no contest.

Yeah, there's been a somewhat misguided opinion about Batman Forever regaining some of the momentum "lost" with Batman Returns, but this has more to do with Forever's better commercial reception than with its quality as a film or its faithfulness to the Batman concept.

There's no comparison between the two, BR is an actual film and BF a product.