Tim Burton's 'Alice In Wonderland'

Started by The Dark Knight, Mon, 22 Jun 2009, 10:07

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Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon,  8 Mar  2010, 14:17
QuoteFrankly, Burton?s ALICE IN WONDERLAND reminds me a lot of that BATMAN RETURNS he gave us almost 20 years ago. You take classic literary characters (Batman/Alice), give ?em the ?Burton Treatment, and voila -- awesomeness!

Uh, no. Anyway?
If that is so, I cannot wait to see this tomorrow.

You and me both, brother. If AIW is as 'crappy' as BATMAN RETURNS, then I have to see it. I need me some bastardized awesomeness! As for Jett, is clear that, typical of a fan boy, he feels his precious Dark Knight is threatened by anything the 'rival' director does, therefore he must trash it. Its tantamount to me saying ,"Ya know, I prefer Valkyrie to Inglorious Basterds, so I have to take a dump on Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, and Jackie Brown"...IE ludicrous, slightly pathetic behavior.  

(musical intro)
When you're a Jett, you're a Jett all the way,
if BR you don't get, then you bash it all day...

I pity him; poor deluded child.

Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

I flat-out despise that film and will take a shot at it just about every chance I get here on BOF -- that's how I roll.

God... one thing I know for sure, and many ex-BoF members know as well, is that this guy is the epitome of A$$. He's still at it? That's how he rolls? How old is he again? I can't picture a guy in his 40s "rolling" with bashing some movie he has little interest for, or bashing Tim Burton. What's the point? He makes a statement? He feels "above" the people that like this stuff?... Don't know and don't care... I haven't visited BoF since last summer, and I don't have any intention of doing so in the forseeable future. F-k him and that forum.

My only "problem" is that many younger teenagers are certainly influenced by what he says, thinking his opinions are some sort of "authority" on Batman.

That's one of the many reasons this site is so valuable; as a counter-point to the misinformed nonsense being spewed by the likes of Jett.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Mon,  8 Mar  2010, 16:59
He simply doesn't need to continually remind people how much he despises Batman Returns.  It's irrelevant to his review of Alice in Wonderland as far as I'm concerned.  I almost get the impression Jett reviewed the film as a pretext for shooting down Returns again. 
Indeed. Seriously, what does Batman Returns have to do with AIW?

Good point. I haven't seen it yet, but according to reviews it has more in common with big fantasy blockbusters like Chronicles of Narnia than it does with Burton's "gothics" like Edward or Batman Returns.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue,  9 Mar  2010, 00:05
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Mon,  8 Mar  2010, 16:59
He simply doesn't need to continually remind people how much he despises Batman Returns.  It's irrelevant to his review of Alice in Wonderland as far as I'm concerned.  I almost get the impression Jett reviewed the film as a pretext for shooting down Returns again. 
Indeed. Seriously, what does Batman Returns have to do with AIW?

They both have a cat in them.

I saw the film. I enjoyed it, but I wasn't overly wowed by it. The visuals were wonderful, and most of the performances were great. There was that certain undefinable something missing from it though and I couldn't quite figure out what it was. The March Hare practically walks away with the movie IMO. It's a pity he wasn't in the film more. The Cheshire Cat, although not as unnerving as I would like, has a particularly funny scene with Depp, especially if you like cats and their little quirks. I am saddened that Burton did a sequel rather than the  original story, because then we would have the definitive film version. That said, I'm definitely buying this when it comes out on DVD.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

Finally got to see the film today.


I'm disappointed.

Not exactly Burton's finest hour.

More later.

Judging by the feedback/reviews this film has received thus far, those of us that decided to wait for the home video version were quite right.