Nolan's future involvement with the series...

Started by zDBZ, Wed, 17 Jun 2009, 17:57

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It doesn't matter if Nolan's 3rd film will be sub-par because it's just going to get sugar coated by fanboys anyway. If it's a god's honest two-star movie, they're going to say it's just as good as the other two. And then the audience and some critics are going to be influenced by that. So there, problem solved for Nolan. I guarantee if he returns it's gonna happen

True, Nolan couldn't make bad Batman movie even if he tried to. Nolan could crap in a bucket, get Christian Bale to throw that bucket of crap at somebody, and then all the fanboys would rant about how this new film exceeds all expectation, and it will be voted to the top of the IMDB within three days of its release.

Quote from: Batmoney on Mon, 29 Jun  2009, 20:35
and it will be voted to the top of the IMDB within three days of its release.

LOL More like 10 months before the movie even comes out. I loved the way they bitched an cryed when TDK gone thrown of the number spot after 2 days.

^ And they wonder why I call 'em "the Nolan mafia" and "Nolan Nazis"...

There is no way the box office will beat The Dark Knight, and we all know why. The Nolan crew won't admit it though.

Agreed.  TDK was one of those perfect storms that come along sometimes where all the elements lined up.  The marketing, the casting, (sadly) Ledger's passing, general interest in the franchise after BB, great word of mouth, etc.  TDK was ideally positioned for big success.  Any third film simply can't follow that.


I predict we will see a mild swelling of the BB figures.

Who would have thought that a movie can be TOO succesful?

It may be a good film, but it sure as Hell won't beat The Dark Knight, not unless they brought in Johnny Depp to take on the role of the Joker never know....the box office may be in for another surprise. Johnny's movies have brought in tons of cash in the past, and I'm sure this would be no exception.
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."