Pfeiffer Offers 'Whipping Lessons" to future Catwoman

Started by The Dark Knight, Wed, 17 Jun 2009, 02:48

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That's awesome. I'm glad she's really cool about talking about it. I know alot of actors get tired of being asked to talk about one of their most popular, and best roles ever!

I mean, who else could have pulled that off? Certinly not Halle Berry...which I STILL say is a BR style Catwoman revamp. I mean comon! Meak woman, overpowering boss, who "kills" here, cats bring her back, she wants revenge, falls for a 'good guy', etc etc etc.

As we all know, BR was wayyyyyyyyyyyy better! I Like Halle...just not as Catwoman. So hopfully our next Ms. Kitty will be one 'worthy' of the role. And I personaly don't think Angie is the right canidate. I think somone like Rona Mitra (Underword: Rise Of The Lycans). She's beautiful, exotic, and 'felinesq'.

Just my opinion.
"I don't know about youy Miss Kitty, but I feel...soo much yummier!"

^ Catwoman began as a spin-off project from Batman Returns. Dan Waters wrote a script, Tim Burton was interested in directing, and Michelle Pfeiffer would have reprised the role. For various reasons, it was never made as such. Years later, the idea of a Catwoman film was dusted off, given to a hack director and used as a vehicle for a spoiled actress, and thus the film we got.

Though I will say - I haven't seen a copy of Dan Waters' Catwoman script, but I have read his synopsis of it, and it didn't sound much better.

Quote from: Kyle Grey on Wed, 17 Jun  2009, 17:34
That's awesome. I'm glad she's really cool about talking about it. I know alot of actors get tired of being asked to talk about one of their most popular, and best roles ever!

I mean, who else could have pulled that off? Certinly not Halle Berry...which I STILL say is a BR style Catwoman revamp. I mean comon! Meak woman, overpowering boss, who "kills" here, cats bring her back, she wants revenge, falls for a 'good guy', etc etc etc.

As we all know, BR was wayyyyyyyyyyyy better! I Like Halle...just not as Catwoman. So hopfully our next Ms. Kitty will be one 'worthy' of the role. And I personaly don't think Angie is the right canidate. I think somone like Rona Mitra (Underword: Rise Of The Lycans). She's beautiful, exotic, and 'felinesq'.

Just my opinion.

I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but I don't think Halle Berry was a bad choice for Catwoman.  I was actually looking forward to seeing what she could do with the role.  In fact, Berry would have been near-perfect for a faithful take on the character (the abused orphan turned vigilante/protector).  If anyone's seen Monster's Ball, Losing Isiah or Jungle Fever, they'll know that Berry can act (forget X-Men, the character of Storm wasn't that well-written). 

Unfortunately, the creators of 'Catwoman' had no idea what to do with the project, and the screenplay (whilst not as bad as some have suggested, IMO) was badly misconceived.  Like you say Kyle Grey, Patience Phillips was a poor rip-off of Michelle Pfeiffer's brilliant take on the character (mild, meek employee 'killed' by ruthless industrialist).

Where I disagree with you is on the casting of a future Catwoman.  Personally, I'd love to see Angelina Jolie in the role since she looks like the traditional Catwoman, but honestly I'd be happy with many talented actresses of the moment (including Rachel Weitz, Marian Cotillard, Zoe Saldana, Charlize Theron among others), but not Rona Mitra.  IMHO, she can't act, all of her head-lining films have been flops, and she has a slightly ****ty look about her which I don't find sexy.  The same applies for the overrated Megan Fox.  Catwoman may come from the streets, but she should give off an aura of class and sophistication.  Still, I trust that Nolan will find the right person for the role.  Generally, he's been right for the most part so far.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: zDBZ on Wed, 17 Jun  2009, 17:44
^ Catwoman began as a spin-off project from Batman Returns. Dan Waters wrote a script, Tim Burton was interested in directing, and Michelle Pfeiffer would have reprised the role. For various reasons, it was never made as such. Years later, the idea of a Catwoman film was dusted off, given to a hack director and used as a vehicle for a spoiled actress, and thus the film we got.

Though I will say - I haven't seen a copy of Dan Waters' Catwoman script, but I have read his synopsis of it, and it didn't sound much better.

No offense zDBZ, but how is Halle Berry 'spoiled'?  Her father left her when she was very young, she grew up dealing with racist taunts due to being a mixed-race women, she has had to deal with diabetes and she suffered abuse by her former husband.  How is any of that spoiled?  She's hardly Paris Hilton, and I mean that in a good way.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Wed, 17 Jun  2009, 17:53
Quote from: zDBZ on Wed, 17 Jun  2009, 17:44
^ Catwoman began as a spin-off project from Batman Returns. Dan Waters wrote a script, Tim Burton was interested in directing, and Michelle Pfeiffer would have reprised the role. For various reasons, it was never made as such. Years later, the idea of a Catwoman film was dusted off, given to a hack director and used as a vehicle for a spoiled actress, and thus the film we got.

Though I will say - I haven't seen a copy of Dan Waters' Catwoman script, but I have read his synopsis of it, and it didn't sound much better.

No offense zDBZ, but how is Halle Berry 'spoiled'?  Her father left her when she was very young, she grew up dealing with racist taunts due to being a mixed-race women, she has had to deal with diabetes and she suffered abuse by her former husband.  How is any of that spoiled?  She's hardly Paris Hilton, and I mean that in a good way.
I'm referring to her ego as a star; her complaints about the X-Men films despite the fact that her character saved the world in the third film, her grabbing for one major blockbuster to turn into her own vehicle after another, etc.

i hate halle berry and it isn't even because of catwoman. i didn't see it because it was her, not because i heard it was bad.

it should have been ashley judd. nuff said.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Wed, 17 Jun  2009, 17:50

but honestly I'd be happy with many talented actresses of the moment (including Charlize Theron)

ok, THATS nuff said. lol.

Quote from: zDBZ on Wed, 17 Jun  2009, 18:16
I'm referring to her ego as a star; her complaints about the X-Men films despite the fact that her character saved the world in the third film, her grabbing for one major blockbuster to turn into her own vehicle after another, etc.

I take on board what you're saying zDBZ.  I don't entirely agree with you since I like Halle Berry, but I can see how she might have annoyed a few X-men fans.  I heard that she got into some arguments with Brian Singer on the second film, and told him to "kiss her black ass", probably because she didn't feel her character was getting her dues.

Overall, her behaviour on one film doesn't make her a spoiled person, and I do think she was capable of playing a decent Catwoman (more so than Storm which should arguably have gone to a genuine African-born actress, or someone like Iman).

I also agree with you about Dan Waters Catwoman script.  I really loved his work for Batman Returns and Heathers; he had a brilliant handle on the characters, but having read the synopsis for his Catwoman film, I couldn't imagine it being any better than the finished product.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: catwoman on Wed, 17 Jun  2009, 18:21
i hate halle berry and it isn't even because of catwoman. i didn't see it because it was her, not because i heard it was bad.

it should have been ashley judd. nuff said.

Ashley Judd?!?  No... ::)
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

it was her first and then she left and thats why we got halle. so yes.

don't make me slap you.
