June 23rd, folks.....

Started by Grissom, Sat, 13 Jun 2009, 12:54

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We hear ya, chief.  8)

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

what happens on june 23rd?

Oh, ral... ;D

You know what, come to think of it I don't know what's happening, but it's something............BIG!

For me it'll be later than that.

Back in 1989 some movies were released around the globe much later than in USA, sometimes to match the south hemisphere summer.

That's why my 20 years of Batman 89 celebration will be in December 25th.

I cannot express how those 6 months of waiting were. Me, knowing it was all over the States but I had to wait from June to late December to see it. Plus there was no internet so I had to check newspapers with the hope of finding a little picture or piece of information about the movie.

I remember I went to see it with a friend of my school and we stayed and watched it 3 times in a row (you could do that back in the day).

"Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play." - (Heraclitus)

Quote from: Panathinaikos Bear on Mon, 15 Jun  2009, 23:45
For me it'll be later than that.

Back in 1989 some movies were released around the globe much later than in USA, sometimes to match the south hemisphere summer.

That's why my 20 years of Batman 89 celebration will be in December 25th.

I cannot express how those 6 months of waiting were. Me, knowing it was all over the States but I had to wait from June to late December to see it. Plus there was no internet so I had to check newspapers with the hope of finding a little picture or piece of information about the movie.

I remember I went to see it with a friend of my school and we stayed and watched it 3 times in a row (you could do that back in the day).

Ha, me too! I didn't see the movie until Columbus Day weekend in October when it was in it's last run at theaters. We also stayed after the first showing because we showed up right in the middle of it.

I cannot wait for this!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

I remember alot of people telling me that Batman still remains the film that they have seen the most in the theatre. You really can't say that about some of these summer blockbusters released in recent years. It truly was fantastic theatrical experience (from what I've heard) and look forward to seing it myself on the big screen. I hope I don't have to wait until the Museum of Modern Art exhibition of Burton' artwork.

Man, Batman 89 is the only movie which I simply cannot remember how many times I saw in a theater. Even one year after its release here, some tiny cheap theaters were showing it somehow and there I was, buying my ticket and enjoying the ride once again. And not once could I achieved some degree of weariness feeling about it.

"Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play." - (Heraclitus)