
Started by Catwoman, Sun, 7 Jun 2009, 23:03

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what did everyone think of max?

Mon, 8 Jun 2009, 00:23 #1 Last Edit: Mon, 8 Jun 2009, 00:25 by Dark Knight Detective
Max was fantastic! He was truly a schemer, a grand manipulator, & had a quite a taste in fashion!

And I don't think we could've had a better actor than Mr. Walken himself to portray Schreck. That role was only reserved for him.  8)

He's probably one of the most interesting characters in the Batman world even though he was only in one movie/story. Shreck like the Joker, Penguin and Carl Grissom represent all that is wrong with Gotham--A dark horrible city with dark horrible people.

Max was an interesting character.  He appeared to resent Bruce Wayne's privileged background, which suggests that he probably didn't come from a lot of wealth himself, although he seemed very committed to giving his son the best money could buy.  In many ways, Max's devotion to his son essentially drives the narrative as neither Catwoman would have been created, nor would The Penguin have run for mayor and set about creating chaos in Gotham, were it not for Max's desire to leave his heir a legacy (i.e. the power plant).

He is by far the most villainous character in Batman Returns, although also one of the most recognisably human.  In many ways, his vocal rhythms, look and behaviour bring Donald Trump to mind.

Walken was fantastic, although I do think there was one other actor who could have pulled off the role, Jon Voight.

Anyway, I would have loved to have seen Max incorporated into the comics or the animated series.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

he was but his name wasn't max shreck. it was the tall guy that made selina sick in one episode, i think.

max was a great character. his script was great -  written as a quick thinking, no nonsense wise ass amoung all the theatrically of the other characters.

Walken is just so damn watchable

Quote from: catwoman on Mon,  8 Jun  2009, 01:16
this guy:

Daggett was used in place of Shreck because the team decided to introduce a new character (still, I would've loved to have seen Max).

i just f***ing said that.

I elaborated on it.  ;)