Batman Fan Book Project

Started by Batman1989, Thu, 28 May 2009, 12:21

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I'd like to contribute a scene-by-scene analysis of the film if that was ok with you guys.

Would it also be ok to do a few character profiles?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Could you show us samples of the layout/page design artwork you intend to use?

"Yes - soon as I have some pages 100% finished I will share some pages and the cover of the book here.
Thank you for your offer with the video games stuff. Its very welcome to me. You see my english is not the best and so is my core theme the design and creative part. And a very important point from the Batmania 89 was the big merchandise. You are right with them.

Would it also be ok to do a few character profiles? Absolutly !! And a scene by scene analysis would be great add to the official story in the book.

Now we have following:

Batman1989 - creative work, interviews
Johnnygobbs - Scene by Scene Analysis, Character profiles
Silenig - Batman 89 Video Stuff

Does anyone knows photos from the official premiere in the USA? I have see some clips but no photos.

I only know where you can find pics of the premiere online, but you would need to ask permission by the relevant site to use them.  Also you may be charged for their commercial use, assuming you are permitted to use them at all.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

When you can send me the link I can contact the owner. Thats were great!

Quote from: Batman1989 on Sat,  6 Jun  2009, 07:37
When you can send me the link I can contact the owner. Thats were great!

Batman1989, I would refer you to the following two sites: and Pure Eleganace (which is a Kim Basinger site but has an extensive gallery section of pics from the Batman premiere, including pics in which she features alongside Nicholson).  Unfortunately, neither Nicholson nor Keaton's various fan sites appear to have any pics from the Batman premiere.

I'll give you the specific links in a pm.

Also, and I realise that this is no help where the first film is concerned, has a few great pics of the Batman Returns and Batman Forever premieres featuring most of the attendant cast, if anybody is interested.  You may wish to consider requesting those pics for a later date Batman1989,  ;).  Sorry, I can't be of more help here.  I could have sworn that Corbis had pics from the first film's premiere.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

This is no problem. Thank you very much for the links and infos. I will see if I contact the owner from the Kim Basinger site. Great photos.

This sounds like a really cool idea!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Great idea. Let's hope to get it done before June 23rd.