Batman Fan Book Project

Started by Batman1989, Thu, 28 May 2009, 12:21

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Powered by the posting of "silenig" few days ago I will share my thoughts about a Batman tribute book. a book like this is not so far away as you think.
To begin of this year I have share my thoughts about such a project with "ral" but it ends shortly because I get a mail from Warner Bros. that there is no wish and plan to create something to the anniversary and here are some members who are willing to help but when in the end nothing works its going to be a great frustration. But the idea of such a book will not end for me. And I work on such a project ...
The problem is that a book is more expensive like a website when you post some interviews there are cost for printing and fees for some interviews and photo material. To get no problems with Warner and DC it is only possible (I think) to make this as a non profit fanzine. It is the same as a anniversary website only on paper. I have some stuff what I would share with other in the magazine. No problem for me.
Beside some nice dealer catalogues from 1989 I have such things like a original 1989 invited card for the Batman Multi Media presentation, some photos on original slides (ok not so much rare but great in the quality)... The best is now to come. From my early contacts it is possible to get interviews with following crew members from Batman and it is possible to collect questions. Stars like Jack Nicholson are nearly impossible but I look to Michael Keaton, Kim Basinger and Billy Dee.  I have :

Michael Brewster - Camera Operator
David Russell - Story Board Artist
Terence J Cox - Special Effects
Emma Harrison - Art Department
Stuart St. Paul - Stunts (already finish - very short he was only involved in the open scene on the roof with the junkies)
Actor Amir Korangy - Wine Steward

I have get a very generous offer from Dave Lea. He was Michael Keatons "double" and stuntmen. I would get some never seen before pictures and storys what I would get his permission to make it public official. But this stuff is bound with some fees. And I have the problem like some other here I am not Bruce Wayne :-)
To bring Mr. Leas stuff and other to the magazine (a first forecast) must sell at the minimum of
65-70 copys to a price of 30 cover the cost in printing and for the fees. If more orders to come the price will get down. 

My question:  is somebody interested in such a magazine? What do you think about such a project? What is your wish for the content? If there were a good couple of serious fans perhaps it is possible together to create and print a magazine or as a collectors book for us. I have a print studio so this problem is solved.

I'm extremely interested in the idea Batman1989, and I admire your enthusiasm and commitment which deserve to be rewarded.

I don't know how much I would personally be able to contirbute as far as the production of the fanzine goes, but I can say that I would be willing to pay something along the region of $30 if you were ever to produce this magazine.

I would love to see various intervews, behind-the-scenes pics, profiles of the cast/crew and the various characters and maybe a critique of various scenes.  I would appreciate some critical appraisal of the film, including a look at the various themes, and cinematic inspirations for the film, in addition to consideration of the more technical aspects of the movie.  It would also be great to cover Returns in the same fanzine, if possible.

I wish you all the luck in this enterprise, and if there is anything you believe I could contribute please let me know.  I look forward to hearing more!   :)
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Thank you so much for your support and your help. If you have some special questions what you want from the guys write to me.
I hope other fans are still so much enthusiasm like you about the project.
Until soon,

This is an excellent idea.

I'm also doubtful as to how much I could contribute myself, I really hope some more resourceful and knowledgable fans show some enthusiasm. It goes without saying that I would surely buy a copy.

My questions:
- What work has already been done yet?
- Is it possible to meet a mid-June deadline, or is it for later in the year?

i wrote some articles for this website, maybe you can use it

great that you like the idea too.
- What work has already been done yet?
create graphic designs for the pages, some interviews, prepare photo stuff to digital files, little story overview from the movie....such things

- Is it possible to meet a mid-June deadline, or is it for later in the year?
no, its too late for it. I looking forward to Sep/Oct
More guys who can/will help to write articles or share stuff so we can make it faster...

thanks for this!!! Do you can PM me a list or little overview?

how big will the book be?...what sort of format will it be( magazine, paperback, hardbound..ect).

I have at this moment app. 50 pages of my own stuff. I prefer a 100 page Softcoverbook in magazine format. If comes more together I prefer a book hardbound in comicbook size. What I have in color comes as color pages...
Are you interested to help?

yes, I think I may be able to help...what do you currently have already included on your end?

Quote from: Batman1989 on Tue,  2 Jun  2009, 20:35
- What work has already been done yet?
create graphic designs for the pages, some interviews, prepare photo stuff to digital files, little story overview from the movie....such things

- Is it possible to meet a mid-June deadline, or is it for later in the year?
no, its too late for it. I looking forward to Sep/Oct
More guys who can/will help to write articles or share stuff so we can make it faster...

That's very good  :)

Could you show us samples of the layout/page design artwork you intend to use? I think a magazine size (or A4 size) with a HC would be better, but I have no idea about cost etc. A HC comic book size is sweet as well.

Also, I suggest that the excellent analysis of B89 should be included as well, if the members that wrote it are ok with that.

If you intend to do a merchandise section, and a sub-section about all the video games based on B89, I'd be more than happy to write it, contributing screenshots, boxarts etc.. That is, IF you do a merchandise/ games section, as the scope of this book should be about the movie itself.