Batman Returns 'Complete Score' (Bootleg)

Started by Kyle Grey, Tue, 26 May 2009, 07:58

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Hey Bat fans. IDK if this has been brought up, I looked and didn't see anything. Anyhow, I came accross this, it's the 'Complete' Score. MOST of the songs are from the currently released soundtrack, but some of the 'newer' tracks are actually audio rips from the movie I warn you. Thier not too bad, but if you listen hard enough, you can here the sound effect/voices in the background. And a few tracks the sound effects are clearly present.

If your interested, the download link is:

It's decent. Not the best, but it's cool for now, until we are given the REAL, complete score.

BE AWARE!!! This is a .zip file, and you may NEED a expanding program to extract the files inside. I use Shuffit 12 (Google it and there a free trial you can use)


"I don't know about youy Miss Kitty, but I feel...soo much yummier!"

Good find.

Until the real expanded soundtrack is released, this will have to do.

We do not endorse bootleg material here on the site...

...that will be all.

Sorry, i was unaware of that, my appologies.
"I don't know about youy Miss Kitty, but I feel...soo much yummier!"

Quote from: ral on Tue, 26 May  2009, 21:25
i was doing my official voice  ;D

That was a pure James Earl Jones impression you typed, man! 8)

I was going more for Graham Chapman's general from Monty Python.

Quote from: ral on Tue, 26 May  2009, 21:59
I was going more for Graham Chapman's general from Monty Python.

Forgive my ignorance (I've never seen Monty Python) . :-[

Wed, 27 May 2009, 13:48 #9 Last Edit: Wed, 27 May 2009, 13:50 by silenig
Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Tue, 26 May  2009, 22:17
Quote from: ral on Tue, 26 May  2009, 21:59
I was going more for Graham Chapman's general from Monty Python.

Forgive my ignorance (I've never seen Monty Python) . :-[

Go out and rent "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" ASAP!  :)

I don't know if it's just me, but if the music of Batman 89 as heard in the film was released as an album, it would result in a TOTALLY different listening experience compared to the original score LP/CD. I'm far from having the ear of a professional audio technician, but the different mix, "sound" or something of the music between FILM and CD is obvious even to non-professional ears, especially the Main Title and the Cathedral cues. Is this a rip of an isolated score track?