Christopher Fairbank Interview

Started by Paul (ral), Mon, 11 May 2009, 22:52

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Quote from: Batmoney on Wed, 13 May  2009, 19:27
Make sure you ask him what he really thinks happened to Johnny Gobbs.

He's a member of the site, now (LOL).

The chat with Christopher is online now

Sorry I didn't ask about Johnny Gobbs  :)

A short and snappy read. Good job, ral.

Great short interview. I am surprised that there wasn't more to his experience than he talked about, considering that scene is iconic. And even more surprised when he said he was largely unaffected by the film's popularity hype.

Well, he's got my vote and I'm thankful he took the time to talk to you and a big thank you Ral for yet another cool interview!  :)
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."

Nice interview :)

Yeah, he seemed a little cynical and dry towards his involvement in the film, or the hype etc.. A definitelly British (or should I say English?) stance ;D

Tue, 19 May 2009, 16:21 #15 Last Edit: Tue, 19 May 2009, 16:26 by Dark Knight Detective
Great stuff, ral!

I had a feeling that he wouldn't be too enthusiastic about his role in the film, but it was definitely nice of him to give some of his time for an interview (which I can't recall many actors like him doing). 8)

Ral, you are not what you seem. Such great behind the scenes photos, great interviews, other great stuff from the film. Are you sure you're not a sort of modern day Batman, sleuthing and getting us all this info? If so, I need to see the Batcave.  ;)

Great short interview, he seems like a cool guy and we will always remember him in that classic scene from the classic film.

Nice job, ral.  Had no idea about the swing-bridge contraption.   :)
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Well done Ral for getting this interview. Fair play mate. I actually think it's amazing you take the time and effort to contact these bit players in the Batman movie and we can hear all these stories we haven't heard before. Honestly my hat is off to you! You keep the forum an exciting place. :)

But I thought Christopher Fairbank was a bit dry on it.

Very cool man!  Very cool.  I have this feeling that soon, you are going to have more interviews with the Batman cast than anyone else in the world online.  REMEMBER I SAID THAT!  ;)
----It's not who I am inside, but what I do that defines me!!!!!!