89 redux?

Started by Paul (ral), Fri, 18 Jan 2008, 10:07

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wasn't it down to warren skarren (probably under the influence of Peters)

QuoteI thought the gist of the thread was use what the movie has now, but present certain scenes differently.

yeah thats it!

i had always though it would have been a nice touch to have it revealed in returns that napier was not the killer and bruce had confused things in his mind since his trauma as a child.

we could then have followed bruce as he deals with a sense of guilt for making his fight with the joker personal and see how he resolves this as his continues to be gotham's guardian.

Sun, 20 Jan 2008, 03:49 #13 Last Edit: Sun, 20 Jan 2008, 03:55 by Darth Vader

Batman's mind is so tortured that it is suggested that he's "discovering" his parents' killer every time a new man vaguely fitting the profile arises. It would be a cycle of undeserved vengeance: Batman always kills the alleged killer, but then finds he was wrong, then compulsively moves onto the next suspect.

How's that for a sickening twist?  8)
The B89 photos you refer to will soon be back in our hands.

And then by the 6th sequel we find out it was actually Alfred who killed them, but he used his mind algorythms (from Batman & Robin) to make Bruce think it was other people. Genius!!

The Joker should not have been the killer of Bruce's parents... (it slightly bothers me now)

I don't know... i just think there were other avenues Burton could have gone down and still got a satisfying conclusion!!

Also, no killing but it doesn't bother that much!

I'll miss you dad xx