Best Burton Villain

Started by The Dark Knight, Mon, 13 Apr 2009, 11:56

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Who is the best?

The Joker (Jack Nicholson)
The Penguin (Danny DeVito)
Max Shreck
Got to admit, I'm somehow surprised Nicholson's Joker is winning the vote at this stage.

There are certain attricbutes that Nicholson's Joker has that are head above the rest, but one thing that most people I believe can say about him is that he is immensly memorable, not only as a Batman villian but as a screen villain on a whole.

No votes for the Tattooed Strongman? He appears in ALL games based on the movie  :P

Yeah, Nicholson's Joker has been voted as one of the 100 greatest movie villains of all time.

Quote from: silenig on Thu, 16 Apr  2009, 21:36
No votes for the Tattooed Strongman? He appears in ALL games based on the movie  :P

Yeah, Nicholson's Joker has been voted as one of the 100 greatest movie villains of all time.

My own preference would have been for the Poodle Lady.  The Tattooed Strongman was a pussy. ;)
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

as great as Jack was playing the Joker, Burton had almost zero input on his character as well as his design...Jack had final approval over the make up and costume....because of this I would say that although Batman 89 was a Burton film, it was pretty much designed by Anton Furst and controlled by Guber Peters.

Batman Returns is with out question a total Burton film...Catwoman, Max Shreck and The Penguin are what I would consider true "Burton" villains....and if I had to choose I would go with the Penguin ....pretty much all of Catwoman was designed by Ringwood and Mary Vought.....The Penguin's design was all Burton, taking reference from Lon Chany's character from the silent film London After Midnight...Stan Winston's FX team used Burton's designs to bring the Pegiun to life( the Penguins nose was inspired by the Crows make up from the movie "the Wiz") I would say the Penguin gets my vote

Quote from: Reevz666 on Fri, 17 Apr  2009, 00:35
as great as Jack was playing the Joker, Burton had almost zero input on his character as well as his design...Jack had final approval over the make up and costume....because of this I would say that although Batman 89 was a Burton film, it was pretty much designed by Anton Furst and controlled by Guber Peters.

Batman Returns is with out question a total Burton film...Catwoman, Max Shreck and The Penguin are what I would consider true "Burton" villains....and if I had to choose I would go with the Penguin ....pretty much all of Catwoman was designed by Ringwood and Mary Vought.....The Penguin's design was all Burton, taking reference from Lon Chany's character from the silent film London After Midnight...Stan Winston's FX team used Burton's designs to bring the Pegiun to life( the Penguins nose was inspired by the Crows make up from the movie "the Wiz") I would say the Penguin gets my vote

Tue, 29 Sep 2009, 14:05 #26 Last Edit: Wed, 30 Sep 2009, 03:31 by The Dark Knight

Since watching Batman (1989) on the big screen, I've really enjoyed and appreciated Jack's Joker a lot more. The guy was fantastic. The Joker is my overall favourite Batman villain, and at the moment he is my favourite Burton Batman villain. Makes sense I think.

Yeah Jack wins hands down for me. Jack Nicholson did seem to have a lot of input into his character, which I think is great for a director to do and even better for the actor. Didn't Michael Gough say that Tim gives you the character and lets you play with it? Also Robert Whurl, and even Michael Keaton had input into their character, so this concept wasnt just exclusive to Jack Nicholson. However I'd say because of who Jack was and was friends with he had a lot of control. Yet I'd say he'd be respectful of Burton's ideas and vision.

I didnt think Peters or Guber had much to do with the characterisation. Obviously it was written by Sam Hamm and Warren Skarren - which rewrites happened during production. The persona was classic Nicholson through and through. But didnt the guy that done the make-up say that the only person he had to please was Nicholson and Burton? And Nicholson did have the final say, though I'd say Burton would approve everything. The idea was not to dilute Nicholson's face, so he's still regonisable (something Nolan bat-fans dont seem to understand when they comment 'you can tell its Nicholson, Ledger you didnt reconise him!' that was the point). Nicholson said he wanted the longer face. For his suit it seemed to be Bob Ringwood's say. To me the Joker suit is based on Ceasar Romero's Joker suit from the 60's series, only Nicholsons looks a million dollors. I love that clean cut look to the Joker in Batman 1989. However, Ringwould comented the trousers where supposed to be pin striped! But Nicholson suggested plaid, so thats what they went for and I have to admit that it works rather well.

I have to say though Nicholson added so much to that character and the Batman movie.

In order my favourit villians are:

The Joker,
Max Schrek,

The Joker is the reason I love Batman so much and in particular Batman 1989. Greatest villian of all time!

Jack's Joker is the greatest villain of all time for me as well. Nicholson as well as Keaton were given certain comic books especially form the 30's and 40's and also The Killing Joke to help prepare for their. Don't forget Hamm wrote the screenplay and he's a genius in the comic book knowledge. Also Burton was very collaborative from the documentaries I've seen so they all worked together and fleshed out the characters.

People have a lot to say about "Burton's vision" etc., but although he's my favourite director when it comes down to it all, a particular villain, like the Joker must maintain its source origins and characteristics, especially since it was in the public for 50 years.

So yeah...Jack's Joker easily, although the others are memorable as well.

I really think Nicholson's Joker looks like the original Joker.