Catwoman: Schizophrenic Vigilante

Started by Burtonite_08, Thu, 26 Mar 2009, 15:45

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Thanks again for the replies guys.The thing about Pfeiffer's Catwoman is that it is "the Ledger Joker for women", in terms of darkness and complexity. Yes, I think the performance is THAT good because I watched the movie recently and once again she had the same disturbing effect on me. It is so sad and powerful when she tells Bruce at the end that she would love to live happily ever after with him but she couldn't live with herself then, or that earlier scene where she sadly looks at a store window and asks herself why is she doing what she is doing and later tells Bruce that she is scaring herself. It was a brilliant performance which was overlooked by the awards shows just because it was for a comic-book movie.

Agreed. Both Her and DeVito gave award worthy performances without a doubt.

Selina was incredibly shy, seemingly because of some kind of childhood oppression. Evidence of this is her stuffed animals and doll houses(arrested development) and her talking to herself anytime she's at home(something alot of shy people do), as if she lives in her own world.

She thought hiding from life would keep her safe and no one would bother her if she seemed unthreatening and meaningless. Ergo, "How can you be so mean to someone so meaningless". She really thought people would do their part in leaving her alone if she receded herself enough. Shreck pushing her is when she realized you don't get to hide from life and that you must get involved. The entire movie "No Country For Old Men" is based around this one notion, just showing you the depth.

Now include, Shreck joking around before sadistically pushing her. That single-handedly kills her naivete. She now knows better than to fall for anyone's rhetoric or just generally trust others. She gets now that people don't do their part, and you can only rely on yourself. This whole ordeal causes her to come into her own; grow strong personality. There is no going back after now witnessing the confidence she's capable of evoking. Now Add, being that it was attempted on her, she now "knows" it's ok to kill. The incredible egoist and survivalist in her is born. Anything less than what she is now, she considers wrong and weak. Little does selena know she herself will lose focus.

She banked too much on her current state of mind so then when her strong motivation(lifelong oppression; Shreck killing her) started to evaporate, her state of mind shifted, resulting in everything she believed in to crumble. She was high off life, as seen when she takes control of her life and seamlessly assumes the Catwoman role. She rode her motivation to its very peak, then when there was no more motivation, she fell.

in honor of this thread I figured I'd post one of my Catwoman wardrobe test pics....enjoy ;)

ya know, that Bob Ringwood was one lucky sob  ;D

luv that pic. can i steal it? lol