Catwoman: Schizophrenic Vigilante

Started by Burtonite_08, Thu, 26 Mar 2009, 15:45

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Thu, 26 Mar 2009, 15:45 Last Edit: Thu, 26 Mar 2009, 15:48 by Burtonite_08
I love what Burton done with Catwoman in this movie by making Selina have a nervous breakdown and in turn becoming Catwoman.She was indeed a very twisted disturbed and dark character. Although not overly detailed, i like how her schizophrenia is hinted at throughout the movie.In regards to the resurrection by the cats scenario, i look at it like Selina suffered severe head injuries and snapped. She just saw the cats in the alley as inspiration for her broken psyche. I'd appreciate your thoughts. Thanks

Oh yes, I love Burton's Catwoman as well. I don't think that anyone could've pulled it off better than Ms. Pfeiffer herself! She had the charm, craziness, sex appeal... God I just love her! ;D

Pfeiffer's Catwoman was simply fantastic!!!

I would literally thank Warren Beatty if I ever met him, just for getting Anette Benning pregnant.   :D

Cause .. you know ... that opened the door for our lovely Michelle.  ;D

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: Burtonite_08 on Thu, 26 Mar  2009, 15:45
I love what Burton done with Catwoman in this movie by making Selina have a nervous breakdown and in turn becoming Catwoman.She was indeed a very twisted disturbed and dark character. Although not overly detailed, i like how her schizophrenia is hinted at throughout the movie.In regards to the resurrection by the cats scenario, i look at it like Selina suffered severe head injuries and snapped. She just saw the cats in the alley as inspiration for her broken psyche. I'd appreciate your thoughts. Thanks

It's the only Catwoman i like actually. I liked Burton's view of the character, and i have to agree with the others on the board that no one but Michelle could have pulled her off.

Fri, 27 Mar 2009, 11:45 #7 Last Edit: Fri, 27 Mar 2009, 11:48 by Burtonite_08
Thanks for your replies guys.Batman Returns takes the character for a whirlwind of a ride and eventually places her in some of the deepest, darkest corners of humanity. Catwoman in this film, in terms of social progress, is beyond both movie and comicbook Batman.Pfeiffer forever encrusted the sick and tortured Selina onto the screen.Selina/Catwoman's relationship with Bruce/Batman was done so well in this movie. Especially the Selina/Bruce parts. It was complex, and felt so right. I've even heard someone say Michelle had to play THREE roles: pre-attempted murder Selina, Catwoman, and the more confident post-attempted murder Selina... maybe even four, if you count the way the lines between new Selina and Catwoman blur....

What i thought was a nice touch was how as Selina's mental state deteriorated, so did her costume and by the films finale it was basically dishevelled and falling apart just like her sanity. That why she siad she couldn't live with herself if she let Max Shreck live because at this point her life is about nothing else.Thanks for reading

i've said like 100s of times that i feel like selina in that movie is a on-screen story of my life, sort of. no i didn't get pushed out a window and put on a cat suit but i did hit my breaking point and ended up in a bad way. i'm ok now but i've been there and done that so thats why she's my fave movie character even though returns isn't my fave of the batman movies. forever is.

All I can say is that I enjoy a Catwoman with the fantasy element. Burton's is my favorite, obviously, but I also liked a version from the 90s that had a purple leotard and a flowing black mane. (This version also appeared in an Elseworlds story I liked, "Guardian of Gotham", where the roles reverse as she's the heroine of Gotham and Batman a villain. It had a "Returns" vibe with all this gothic imagery). I dislike the google-wearing Black-ops version I have seen recently in several comic book covers, or some fan-art for the seventh (some say third) Batman movie.