Batman and Robin...a Review?

Started by Gotham Knight, Sat, 5 Jan 2008, 16:24

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Thu, 24 Jul 2008, 10:44 #31 Last Edit: Thu, 24 Jul 2008, 10:47 by BatmanForever
Batman And Robin was a dissapointment
the acting by Arnold was bad and Clooney was a lame choice for Bruce Wayne. Why didnt they just stop the movies when Keaton quit. Batman, Returns and Forever are the real Batman Legacy (a dvd boxset containing all the movies). Batman And Robin is like a spoof of all the other movies
the storyline was pointless, it had no resemblance to Batman, and Bane is just ridiculous, it is the worst superhero movie EVER its even better than SupermanIV
the movie had the same feel of a badly done fan movie (some bad ones are better than THIS) well see ya soon
Fear Me, Im Back

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 24 Jul  2008, 02:53
Quote from: silenig on Wed, 23 Jul  2008, 16:05
Actually, Batman & Robin is great!
That's brave.

I mean it! Something offendingly bad is much better than something *yawn* boring.

I?ll put it down to morbid curiosity.

Every now and then, you still hear people say that "Clooney would've made a good Batman if..." and then they mention some highly improbably scenario where a worthy director toting a worthy script commanding a worthy budget somehow manages to make Clooney into something more than a grinning, head-bobbing tool.  Nothing, nothing, in Clooney's repetoire even suggests that.  He might've been a decent Bruce Wayne but Batman?  No way.

So right away, B&R has problems with the headling actor.  Always the worst way to start.  But the tone of the film makes a mockery of the character, which is unforgiveable.  As a style, camp doesn't necessarily need to strike a condescending tone; it's only hackjob filmmakers who can't psychologically process superheroes any other way who craft that kind of tone.  Yeah, WB told Schumacher to lighten the franchise but they never said anything about making two campy hackfest abortions with homosexual innuendo flying around like Superman on speed.  That part is all Schumacher.  Blame WB for firing Burton from the franchise, sure, but blame Schumacher for making the franchise suck.

One thing you can say about B&R is that it's honest in the sense of openly being everything BF pretended not to be.  Whether or not that's a positive, well, that's up to you.

Actually, Batman & Robin is great!

....Come again??

Fri, 25 Jul 2008, 08:15 #38 Last Edit: Fri, 25 Jul 2008, 08:27 by silenig
QuoteActually, Batman & Robin is great!

....Come again??

LOL, don't read only the "headline", you should also read the text that follows :)

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 24 Jul  2008, 23:34
One thing you can say about B&R is that it's honest in the sense of openly being everything BF pretended not to be.  Whether or not that's a positive, well, that's up to you.

As well said as it gets. And this honesty followed by disappointing box-office spared us from a Forever-like half-a$$ed Batman 5 by Schumacher. With Batman Forever the series went in places nobody could save it from. This is why B&R is a "great" movie (as a movie event) - it was honest and ended a series that went to hell with a bang and not a slow death.

I wouldn't say it ended the franchise with a bang.  I mean, you see B89 with all those noir and opera influences and then there's B&R, which is nothing but a two hour long double entendre...

Hmm.  So actually, maybe the franchise ended on a "bang" after all...