Batman and Robin...a Review?

Started by Gotham Knight, Sat, 5 Jan 2008, 16:24

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Quote from: Darth Vader on Tue,  8 Jan  2008, 18:50
...  ::)

What? Don?t have an adequate response? Then don?t hide behind a defense of uninterested superiority, just say so.

I'd already responded. You're just spewing the same drivel out. Nobody cares, dude.
The B89 photos you refer to will soon be back in our hands.

C'mon guys, everyones opinion should be  respected on this board as long as it is presented in an intelligent and civil manner.  What we dont want to see is blatant name calling or unfair critisizm of something or someone. This may be a Burton forum, but we also discuss the other realms of Batman, so if someone has something to say on a non Burton topic, thats fine, lets discuss it, but lets all be open in listening to anothers view. If you disagree with the way another sees something, say so, and tell us why you view it differently, without throwing in jabs.  Thats what discussion is, and thats we want here.

So lets continue on. :)

Well said.

Out of all the Batman movies, B&R is probably my little sisters favourite.  And if she is watching it I will watch along with her - there are very few movies we could watch together, so thank you Mr Schumacher.

Ok folks now Batman & Robin sucks so bad

It's Val Kilmer!
The B89 photos you refer to will soon be back in our hands.

Although a lot of criticism has been dumped on Schumacher for B&R, how much was actually WB's fault?

Quote from: raleagh on Mon, 19 May  2008, 09:12
Although a lot of criticism has been dumped on Schumacher for B&R, how much was actually WB's fault?
I think is half and half.

WB pretty much said to him to do something more kid-friendly and put forward the campiness. Schumacher, in the end, made all the concepts and ideas.

I don't think either should be forgiven.

What were they thinking?
I blissfully choose to ignore this scar on the Batman name. It butchers the characters and has very little bearing to the Batman character.
It is a terrible embarrassment, and the template of what not to do. The only good it brought was the Nolan series.

Actually, Batman & Robin is great!

If the film's stupidity was toned down and turned out to be a half-decent piece of colorful boredom like Forever, with decent returns to the studio, Schumacher would surely helm Batman 5 which would be at best average (even with the dark ideas he said he had), and the franchise would die slowly and it would take for Batman forever to take off again. The trash that started with Batman Forever HAD to end with a BIG BANG!

There was nothing to save the old Batman series, it's better the old series died in such a way so BB was made after 8 years. My problem isn't that a proper Batman 3 was never made, it's just this lash-out against the classic Burton films and their grouping together with Schumacher's (studio-ordered) trash.

- However, I doubt the studio ordered all this homosexual subtext (or supertext?) with Two-Face/Riddler, Kilmer/O'Donnel and Clooney/O'Donnel acting like couples, not to mention the nipples, the butt-shots and all these huge statues of naked guys. Someone could write a big commentary of the two flicks from this perspective :)