Favorite Batman artist

Started by Dark Knight Detective, Sat, 14 Mar 2009, 03:20

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There's obviously more artists to name, but this is just a list of 10 various artists from different runs/periods of Batman.

Bob Kane
1 (4.8%)
Dick Sprang
2 (9.5%)
Carmine Infantino
0 (0%)
Neal Adams
5 (23.8%)
Marshall Rogers
0 (0%)
Jim Aparo
4 (19%)
Frank Miller
2 (9.5%)
Norm Breyfogle
4 (19%)
Kelley Jones
1 (4.8%)
Jim Lee
2 (9.5%)

Total Members Voted: 21

nice to see jim aparo getting some love - i rarely see his name mentioned in comic based polls.

Sun, 15 Mar 2009, 01:01 #12 Last Edit: Sun, 19 Apr 2009, 02:45 by Dark Knight Detective
Here's my favorite Batman artists.

As for my favorite Batman artist before my time, it's going to have to be Neal Adams, one-half of what I call the "Thank God" team for Batman & his universe. The man brought a whole new approach to Batman visually, as his drawings were so fluid & realistic. He set the standards for not only later Batman artists, but for other artists working on different characters, as well. I don't think I have to explain any further. Why do you ask? Just take a look at Adams' iconic image of Batman in The Joker's Five Way Revenge. That tells you everything you need to know about artistic depth.

Now as for my favorite Batman artist who worked on the Batman/Detective Comics during my time (even though he started a few years earlier), it's definitely Norm Breyfogle. When I started reading Batman comics, he was the artist who did the work. I loved how his images were dark, gritty, & very fluid. And the way he drew Batman was just fantastic. As Colors said earlier, this man's contribution to Batman means a lot to me. Pure 90's Batman, through & through.

Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sun, 15 Mar  2009, 00:25
Tim Sale

Abso-flippin'-lutely! I LOVE his take on Poison Ivy! And his Penguin is the best of both worlds(comic dandy and grotesgue rogue)!

I also have been severely enamored with Bruce Timm's artwork for the comics as well as the Animated Series.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

Jim Aparo (his Batman will forever be what comes to my mind first when thinking of Batman. As he was still working on the Batman title when I began collecting comics, and needless to say already having a huge interest in getting as many Batman comics as possible)

Bob Kane (Having read, and re-read the Batman archives during my youth, which is being re-collected at a much cheaper price with the Batman Chronicles, I took a liking to Kane's art style right away. It certainly left an impression on me, and is definately a favourite of mine. Good stuff)

Brian Bolland (just a great artist, and TKJ was another favourite book that was on my radar soon after I began collecting comics. How could it not be? It's by far the most accepted version of the Joker's origin, and that alone was required reading material for me. Bolland's Joker just reeks of awesomeness as well)

Frank Miller (mainly due to The Dark Knight Returns)

Neal Adams (such a great artist, with one of the best Batman ever seen in comics, hands down)

Dick Sprang (Sprang's Batman is just awesome, and I'll always have an affinity for it. Really enjoyed seeing him do some covers for Detective Comics during the early 1990s. And of course the Two-Face Strikes Twice 2 parter)

Kelley Jones (I began to seriously collect Batman comics right around the time that Knightfall was about to start. His covers are extremely memorable to me, and I honestly enjoyed his work on the Batman title a few years later)

Jim Lee (Lee's artwork ... Hush ... All Star ... there's just not much to dislike to be quite honest here!)

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Tim Sale, though I do really like the slender, long-eared Batman that Kane started to perfect later in 1939 before he started to bulk up when Robin showed up.

While Sale is one hell of an artist, I think his only flaw in my opinion is that I'm not too crazy of his Batman. He looks like a shaved caveman to me sometimes.

Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Sat, 23 May  2009, 22:03
While Sale is one hell of an artist, I think his only flaw in my opinion is that I'm not too crazy of his Batman. He looks like a shaved caveman to me sometimes.
My one complaint is his Joker. The grin just gets ridiculous at times. Still, overall I think he has one of the strongest styles, always leaves his fingerprints, and yet still manages to have an appealing sense of design.

Neal Adams is my favourite Batman Artist because when ever some asks me whats your image of Batman I just show them Neal Adams`s Batman. Its that iconic for me, everything is right about how he draws him from the costume, height, weight and look. My second favourite would have to be David Mazzucchelli`s Batman from Batman Year, for the 80s and changing decade of The Dark Knight it was a perfect fit and suited the gritty, dirty, noir and corrupt Gotham City that Frank Miller portrayed in Batman Year One. My third favourite would have to be Brain Bolland espically with his art on Batman The Killing, to me apart from Adams he draws the defintive Joker. And the way he drew and described Batman was intersting on the Batman 89 documentry, Legends of The Dark Knight, "Batman to me has always been a 2D, shodowy figure" And those panels when you see Batman like this are just spectacular. Some of my other favourite Batman Artists in no order, Bob Kane (Particually the first Year of Dectective Comics), Dick Sprang, Jim Lee, Lee Bermejo, Frank Quietly, Tim Sale, Alex Ross, Andy Kubert and Jim Aparo.
"Tell me something my friend, you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight"- The Joker- Batman 89

"I guess I`m tired of wearing masks"- Selina Kyle- Batman Returns

"But if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can't stop you, then you become something else entirely...a legend Mr Wayne"- Henri Ducard- Batman Begins

"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian, I can do those things cause I`m not a hero not like Dent"- Batman- The Dark Knight

Couldnt decide between Aparo and Breyfogle, since those 2 guys did all those Bat comics I grew up with. I guess i do prefer Norm. I Liked Tom Lyle a lot too