Did Michael Keaton Wear a Hairpiece?

Started by THE BAT-MAN, Wed, 11 Mar 2009, 18:17

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Wed, 11 Mar 2009, 18:17 Last Edit: Wed, 16 Feb 2011, 19:34 by THE BAT-MAN
I had just finished watching this 1987 clip of David Letterman's show featuring Michael Keaton on youtube, and one of the comments at the bottom of the clip stated this:

  filmwave1 (3 weeks ago)
"Look at Keaton's hair, it's very thin and almost bald in the back. He must wear a piece now or got plugs because he now has a thick full head of hair."

Considering this video was made back in 1987, What do you think? Did he wear a hairpiece on Batman? Got Plugs? or does it simply depend on how he combs his hair?

By "now" does he mean recently? If so I disagree. I saw him on CNN a few weeks ago. He has very little hair up top anymore. In his movies they make it seem like he still does especially if he grows out what he's still got.

I think he had plugs, because his hairline was always kind of weak, and if he had a hairpiece, I assume he'd have fixed THAT problem.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

yeah when he does the letterman interview for the 1st batman he is wearing whatever hair "enhancement" he wore in the film so as to look the part during press junket time

hollywood stuff

recent photos and videos of him in public show his hair to be very thin on top (i also suffer  ;D)

Your not the only one mate! lol

1987? Was Batman released 2 years early!!?

according to Nick Dudman( make up man on the film), yes Keaton wore a small hair piece at the front of his hair line.

Ah. That clears it up! Nick Dudman comes in handy! :-P
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Nick's a cool dude and isn't shy about answering questions

Thu, 12 Mar 2009, 02:11 #9 Last Edit: Wed, 16 Feb 2011, 19:37 by THE BAT-MAN
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Wed, 11 Mar  2009, 18:47
By "now" does he mean recently?

I think he means during the 90's like when he did films like Batman Returns, Pacific Heights,Speechless,Multiplicity etc, etc, etc.......

Personally, I have always thought that it had more to do with how he combs his hair, because when you watch films like The Dream Team, Batman, Batman Returns, One Good Cop, Pacific Heights, Speechless, and Multiplicity you can still see that he is somewhat balding in the back.  It's just that the way he had his hair combed,  it would overlap the bald area making it a little harder to see.  Not to mention, Keaton had to bend his head completely down for you to get a better view of his balded area.  Of course now he has very little hair on top.

Quote from: Reevz666 on Wed, 11 Mar  2009, 20:35
according to Nick Dudman( make up man on the film), yes Keaton wore a small hair piece at the front of his hair line.

Exactly, where did you get source of Nick Dudman stating this?