So what are you guys doing on June 23rd?

Started by Grissom, Sat, 7 Mar 2009, 13:59

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June 23rd will be 20 years since BATMAN premiered in theatres in '89. I for one didn't have the privilege to see it on the big screen, but I've read accounts of great experiences. I know it's still a couple months off but I'm actually excited to celebrate the 20th Anniversary.I'm seriously thinking that day off and just relaxing and comig to this website and having great discussions with you guys. I'm actually watching BATMAN on March 14th (next Saturday) and I've invited my brother to watch it with me, with some of the special features and all. He's another Batman fan but it's been quite a few years since he's seen it, so it will definitely be a treat for both of us.

I'll watch it again on June 27th, close to the date it premiered. As you can see I have to schedule showings of this classic, because I get so busy at work. Anyway I would like to know anybody else's thought about what we can do that day.

I'll definitely bring this topic back up as the date draws near.

I'm not so sure yet but I've been wanting to save up to buy a really really nice HD projector and hook up my surround sound system and watch the movie on my bedroom wall (which is all matte white on one side) and pretend im in a theater. Blast that sucker loud! And in my bat suit. lol... (just kidding about the bat suit)

I really wish they'd release this film again as a 20th anniversary in actual theaters.
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."

I have been lucky enough to catch a re-screening of it, and let me tell you.... best theatrical experience, ever. I was in a theater full of Batman diehards. What a treat!

As for June 23rd? I'll be watching the film, for sure. Maybe even more than once. I plan to have a showing with as many friends as I can get together.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

I soo envy you Doc.  :'(

BTW, Awesome 20th tribute wallpaper. At first glance, it fooled me into thinking there WAS going to be a re screening of the film lol. 
A man can dream...
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."

I think I will hold an audio commentary special for it on BlogTalkRadio.

Excellent plans guys, let's hope it all goes through.

Does anyone know any details regarding a possible 20th anniversary release? You have to figure that WB would at least give it a shot even if they were unsure, I mean, Batmania is a wild as ever these days.

Quote from: Batmoney on Mon,  9 Mar  2009, 21:20
Does anyone know any details regarding a possible 20th anniversary release? You have to figure that WB would at least give it a shot even if they were unsure, I mean, Batmania is a wild as ever these days.

There's a thread on it already in this very subforum. Don't expect much. That all I'm saying.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Quote from: Batmoney on Mon,  9 Mar  2009, 21:20
Does anyone know any details regarding a possible 20th anniversary release? You have to figure that WB would at least give it a shot even if they were unsure, I mean, Batmania is a wild as ever these days.

June 23rd I will watch it again!
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.