Check out these comparisons for the blu-ray release!

Started by Grissom, Wed, 4 Mar 2009, 20:35

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The FX shots on the BR Bluray hold up very well, in fact the whole movie looks like it was just made. The transfer is sharp, clean and beautiful.

B89, not so much. Don't get me wrong, the clarity is wonderful, but the grading is way off. Colours change from scene to scene and in some cases shot by shot. The FX shots also suffer, some of the matte paintings and composites really stand out. Not all of them though, some of them look incredible.

However, it is still the best I've ever seen the film look and that includes how is was at the cinema. What I really love about the clarity of the transfer, is the lvel of detail that really makes it feel like you're seeing some things for the first time. Everything has a texture, which I love, you could almost reach out and touch some of the buildings in Gotham.

B89 really needs some TLC a'la Bladerunner Final Cut, but alas it appears that brothers Warner disagrees.
"Excuse me. You ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?"

I still say, we'll see a enhanced version by the time of the 25th Anniversary, or at least the next Nolan movie.

I can say hand on heart that we won't see the original movies paid any more due at least until the Nolan movies are through. That's pretty much from the horses mouth. The current attitude prevailing at WB is that 'The Dark Knight' is where it's at, that's what people want, so that's what they'll give them. They feel that the previous movies are done and dusted and will only pay lip service to them now.

Very disappointing.
"Excuse me. You ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?"

It is. Very.

They've unconditionally fallen for the new kid on the block and chosen to disregard the past. They don't seem to respect the film series as a whole. Sure, say what you will about Forever and Batman and Robin, but in concept, every film in their series deserves decent treatment.

I don't see why work on the other Batman films is such a problem. I'm sure they could fit releases like this into their schedule. I'm sure it's a matter of not caring. Thing is, a lot of fans do care. And we are being let down on a grand scale.

Quote from: PJ on Fri,  6 Mar  2009, 10:18
I can say hand on heart that we won't see the original movies paid any more due at least until the Nolan movies are through. That's pretty much from the horses mouth. The current attitude prevailing at WB is that 'The Dark Knight' is where it's at, that's what people want, so that's what they'll give them. They feel that the previous movies are done and dusted and will only pay lip service to them now.

Very disappointing.

Isn't that what I've been saying? I've been saying that for MONTHS and people told me I was crazy. I said they'd stiff us on the 20th anniversary release, and they're just gonna stiff us for the rest of lives with the Burton flicks.

Like I said months ago, to WB, they're old, the former moneymakers in the franchise. Prevailing opinion is that they're "meh." They're the previous adaptations, and being adaptations, means that they can be "replaced" which they were, in the public eye and clearly, now, at the corporate level. Were Batman originally a film-based character, the previous films wouldn't be able to become "obsolete." But due to the fact that the Batman legacy is above any one interpretation means that previous continuities can and will be deminished in importance to prop up the new one.

If Nolan's movies has been vague sequels instead of a new continuity, I bet the old franchise would still be much more "front and center," as they would still be important to the current generation of Batfilms. But, no. A new continuity only means replacement. To WB, B89 and BR might as well not even exist now. Thank God they gave us proper special editions before they turned away from them.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

In my opinion I really appreciated what WB did for the Special Editions especially Batman, the care taken to restore the quality was great and the wealth of information on the movies' second discs was excellent. Whatever other info is out there on these films I agree should be made available on the features disc. There are documentaries for Batman for example that should definitely see the light of day on dvd and not just on youtube or some black market dvd.

My point is to take the time and give is all the bonus material even if it means a three disc set (whic I absolutely have no prblem with!) but I must give credit where credit is due, WB gave us an excellent image and sound quality dvd presentation of all the films and a Special Edition edition that would make alot of other SE's jealous.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri,  6 Mar  2009, 13:50It is. Very.
Disappointing, yes, but...

QuoteThey've unconditionally fallen for the new kid on the block and chosen to disregard the past. They don't seem to respect the film series as a whole. Sure, say what you will about Forever and Batman and Robin, but in concept, every film in their series deserves decent treatment.
That's really nothing more than good business sense.  WB wants to strengthen the Nolan franchise because that's what they're promoting today and that's what the public can't get enough of.  Promoting the other films might do more harm than good in terms of supporting the brand as it exists today.  I'm not saying I like it, I'm just saying that it makes business sense.

QuoteI don't see why work on the other Batman films is such a problem. I'm sure they could fit releases like this into their schedule. I'm sure it's a matter of not caring. Thing is, a lot of fans do care. And we are being let down on a grand scale.
In what way are we being let down?  As a proud Burtonite, I feel like we've got a lot to be happy about.  The 2005 anthology left pretty much no rock unturned in terms of talking about the two Burton films.  Was each subject covered to the degree I'd like?  No.  But then, the degree I want is for someone to come to my house with a DeLorean so's I can travel back in time and witness Burton's creative process first hand, annoy Elfman all day long with geeky questions, knock back some brews with Daniel Waters, etc.  No DVD is ever going to be able to give me that... but what we do have is first-rate.  I don't feel neglected at all.  WB clearly recognized the importance of the Burton flicks (which is all I ever really cared about) and paid them great homage with the 2005 anthology discs.

Honestly?  I would've been happy with just a reissue of the first DVD's with a Burton commentary track.  WB went far and beyond that and gave the fans something really special.  Love or hate the Shlockmaker movies, I was proud to add the anthology set to my collection.  It looks awesome sitting on my shelf.  I've long since ripped Burton's commentaries and loaded 'em on to my iPod, along with the films themselves.

At this point, all I need is a remastering of Elfman's scores (bonus tracks would be awesome too but not mandatory) to finish off the tribute that's been paid to the Burton era.

But overall?  I'm happy as a clam.

Yeah, I think we should be happy they included commentaries, new "making of" videos and a DTS track in those 2005 versions, as well as the Prince/Siouxsie & Banshees clips and some old backstage/promo videos from the old days as the icing on the cake. That was excellent. I think some people in WB that genuinelly respected the old franchise had some input in the discs, they could get away with a much more rushed job fans would get it. Too bad for the cover artwork, this indeed sucks compared to the one of the Unnamed Franchise, but the content is what really matters here.

We're hardcore 89 fans. lol. I think thats why it hurts a little. I think some of us here, say,  had we been in charge of content control on these discs and the design work, would have pushed it muuuch further. As far is it gets.

But I agree with the business matter. I can understand why WB wont promote 89, even in the 20 year anniversary, due to DK. (i hate you DK!!!) lol jk...

If DK or BG never existed, Im pretty sure they'd have commercials and tv spots for this 20th celebration set.

But no.
And I guess we have no choice but to deal.  :P
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."

^ TDK is a good film, don't get me wrong, but it needs to be kicked to the curb for B A T M A N, a film that helped brought back an admiring to comic book films in a time when it was needed, & also showed the true Batman.

Without this film (& Superman: The Movie), comic book movies would have no meaning.