Where do you find the Halloween deleted scene on BATMAN 1989 Two-Disc DVD

Started by Jack Napier, Wed, 4 Mar 2009, 04:42

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Sun, 8 Mar 2009, 22:38 #10 Last Edit: Sun, 8 Mar 2009, 23:19 by Dark Knight Detective
I have a question. Even though this scene & the one w/ the boys in Batman costumes were cut, does BATMAN still take place around Halloween time?

Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Sun,  8 Mar  2009, 22:38
I have a question. Even though this scene & the one w/ the boys in Batman costumes were cut, does BATMAN still take place around Halloween time?

The reason the little girl say that line isn't because it was Halloween, it's because Batman is in a costume

Quote from: Joker81 on Sun,  8 Mar  2009, 22:13

mmmmm, I'd say the Knox under the cape scene was not filmed. Sure Knox was knocked on conscience, and Batman and Vicki were hanging from the cathedral - Batmans cape didnt come off......

Which makes me then question you statement about Axis chemical scene being longer....what was longer about it?

Let me revise my statement about the Axis Chemicals scene..what I should have wrote was that the scene was shot 2 different ways( as was most of the movie)...Tim Burton has said in a few interviews that the script was constantly changed by the producer( Jon Peters) add this with the fact that Nicholson is legendary for wanting to re do takes to every scene( the Joker reveal scene was shot 16 times) so because the movie's shooting schedule and script were in a constant state of change there are scenes that will seem longer or shorter.....so when I said the Axis Chemical scene was longer this is to say that there was an alternate take that seemed to have more shots in it

in the take that's in the film, Batman swoops down, kick the gun out of Jack's hand and lifts him up....but there is an alternate scene ( most have seen some of the pics from the SE 89 DVD) where Batman come out of a dark corner, has more of a struggle with Jack and over powers him, then does the lift...it's not as quick as the one seen in the film( which is probably why it was re shot)...

and as far as the Knox cape reveal scene, it WAS in fact shot for the film...feast your eyes on these....

Mon, 9 Mar 2009, 00:09 #12 Last Edit: Mon, 9 Mar 2009, 00:11 by Dark Knight Detective
Quote from: Reevz666 on Mon,  9 Mar  2009, 00:08
Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Sun,  8 Mar  2009, 22:38
I have a question. Even though this scene & the one w/ the boys in Batman costumes were cut, does BATMAN still take place around Halloween time?

The reason the little girl say that line isn't because it was Halloween, it's because Batman is in a costume

But what about the scene w/ the boys who were wearing Batman costumes? Could that have been an indication?

Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Mon,  9 Mar  2009, 00:09

But what about the scene w/ the boys who were wearing Batman costumes? Could that have been an indication?

I think it's just a matter of kids wanting to dress like Batman because he's a hero ....plus they would be carrying trick or treat bags wouldn't they?

Mon, 9 Mar 2009, 00:20 #14 Last Edit: Mon, 9 Mar 2009, 00:24 by Dark Knight Detective
Quote from: Reevz666 on Mon,  9 Mar  2009, 00:16
Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Mon,  9 Mar  2009, 00:09

But what about the scene w/ the boys who were wearing Batman costumes? Could that have been an indication?

I think it's just a matter of kids wanting to dress like Batman because he's a hero ....plus they would be carrying trick or treat bags wouldn't they?

Or maybe they were going to the 1989 Comic-Con.... just joking, of course. :)

Oh, my God. Reevz, you need to fork over ALL of your goodies, right now.

I had NEVER known that the Knox-as-Batman-decoy scene had been shot! And I'm something of an expert on BATMAN.... At least, I thought.

For those confused about the Knox scene, after Batman and Vicki lower themselves to the ground from the Cathedral, in order to escape, Batman takes off his mask/cape and drops it on Knox (all of this obviously without anyone noticing). After they're done oggling the Joker's corpse, someone mentions that Batman fell "over here." Gordon goes over and lifting the cape, Knox wakes up and says "Can I still make the evening edition?" with a grin, realizing what the situation says about him. Vicki looks to her right (in the comic adaptation) and sees a mask/capeless Bruce running into the darkness.

About the BTS pic of Keaton and the girl... priceless! What a lucky little lady! Keaton is good with kids from what I understand.

As one of the other missing Axis pieces, if anyone ever has a chance to see the original BATMAN teaser (Very rare now, unless you have access to the Playstation Network [see my thread in the General Batman Forum]), there's a shot in Axis where Batman is speading his wings (possibly to Naiper) and lets them down dramatically, a shot which is certainly not in the film, and it's probably part of the alternate Jack confrontation Reevz speaks of. The novel describes the confrontation as Batman comes out of the darkness behind Jack and gets him in a wrestling hold. This may be one of the ways they shot it.

BATMAN does take place in fall, but Reevz is right, it's not Halloween. The kids are "playing" Batman because he's the city's new hero, and the girl asks about Halloween because, yes, Bruce is in a costume. It takes place in November if I recall correctly. I think there's something in the film which gives it away, or the movie book, novel or video game. Something, I know I've seen it defined somewhere. Probably on the spinning newspapers in the movie.

Dammit, I'd like this deleted material released. Oh well. Too bad WB stopped giving a damn.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Mon, 9 Mar 2009, 03:32 #16 Last Edit: Mon, 9 Mar 2009, 20:58 by Dark Knight Detective
Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Mon,  9 Mar  2009, 03:19
Dammit, I'd like this deleted material released. Oh well. Too bad WB stopped giving a damn.

Hopefully, in the near future, once Nolan's films have lost their ultra hype, we'll get the releases that we deserve.

To be fair, we already have.

But with how much more stuff they could have added, the release was far from definitive.

I mean, all of the stuff on the Reevz-made DVD could be included, from the original sources. And there was even more. I'm sure some of those types of things would probably be MIA all these years later, but the fact remains that there IS more they could give us, enough that they could make one-more, definitive blow-out release. Even if it was over $100 dollars, I'd dish out for it. This IS my most favorite film of all time, after all.

Unfortunately, at this point, there is no future reprieve of respect that's going to come, I think. BATMAN has been replaced by TDK in every sense of the word. If there's another restart down the line, Nolan's franchise will be the one more remembered. Even in 2008 dollars, BATMAN's take was nowhere near TDK's. Even when Nolan's films end (or turn horrible), things aren't going to change. That is just logical. Like I've said before... it's the past moneymaker, the previous "best adaptation." Especially seeing as how BATMAN now gets a stereotype/rep among the general populace as being "inaccurate" and "inferior," even if it is completely false.

BATMAN's day is over. All we will get from now on is continued releases on advancing home video formats, that's all. An adaptation's impact is all over and forgotten when it's replaced. If BATMAN was still in continuity with the current films, it would get that attention. A restart instantly invalidates it, to WB and the general populace. A hyper-mega-blowout version of BATMAN would only sell to true Batman diehards and the Burton Batman diehards. Not anyhwere near enough of a crowd to justify putting any more money into it, or it's sequels.

Was BATMAN an accurate adaptation, a fantastic piece of filmmaking? Undoubtedly! But you have to remember that WE have "Burtonites" see things differently. The film means more to us than it does your average Batfan or moviegoer, period. To the rest, it's just one of several films based on the character. The very fact that it was an adaptation of an already-existant literary character makes it worse, the film will have less of an impact as the years go on. It made a big impact at the time, but not one that is unforgettable. Had the film been a stand-alone, or had it invented the character of Batman, it would get mega blow-out releases like Star Wars or Indiana Jones or Citizen Kane. But the Batman legacy is bigger than any one interpretation. To your average moviegoer, what we've gotten in the Blu-ray release more than suffices.

But to us diehard "Burtonites," we'd always be happy to get more, until we had every scrap of everything that could ever have existed. But it's not a priority to WB because, well, it's not a priority to the rest of the Planet Earth.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Mon,  9 Mar  2009, 03:19
As one of the other missing Axis pieces, if anyone ever has a chance to see the original BATMAN teaser (Very rare now, unless you have access to the Playstation Network [see my thread in the General Batman Forum]), there's a shot in Axis where Batman is speading his wings (possibly to Naiper) and lets them down dramatically, a shot which is certainly not in the film, and it's probably part of the alternate Jack confrontation Reevz speaks of. The novel describes the confrontation as Batman comes out of the darkness behind Jack and gets him in a wrestling hold. This may be one of the ways they shot it.
Is this it? http://www.toutlecine.com/film/videos/0034/00342962/00008884-8-bat-batman-8884-batman-large.html
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

That is indeed it. Someone needs to get ahold of that and upload it on Youtube.

That is the trailer that people went nuts over. That's a piece of Bat-history, right there.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton