20/20 segment on Batman (1989)

Started by Grissom, Tue, 3 Mar 2009, 21:10

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Hey any of you guys seen  these yet:


Pretty good stuff there for fans and even non-fans alike

Thanks for the link. It does include a lot of footage which can be seen in other documentaries, but seeing Shirley Walker and Anton Furst was really nice. I also really enjoyed the quirkiness of Burton, emphasized by the Pee Wee Herman music.

You're welcome, just like I look forward to seeing links from you guys with other great finds. I even watched keaton on Letterman when he was promoting Batman on youtube as well. Keaton is a real down to earth guy even in being such a huge film, it's great to see him spar with Letterman.

guess most of us have watched the Making of a Hero 3 Part documentary on youtube - that is the best hidden '89 gem i've found on the net

for the newbies:


That it is totally awesome!!!!  Thanks for the links, I am off to watch them right now!  :D

Quote from: Grissom on Tue,  3 Mar  2009, 21:10
Hey any of you guys seen  these yet:


Pretty good stuff there for fans and even non-fans alike

I totally remember this ..... because I'm the one who circulated the the footage ;}

I have TONS more where that came from too...all I did back in the summer of 89 was sit by the VCR and wait for something Batman related to come on so I could tape it

LOL You can't be serious Reevs?!  :D Haha wow. Well good on you because they're great to watch. 8)
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."

Mon, 9 Mar 2009, 01:19 #8 Last Edit: Mon, 9 Mar 2009, 01:23 by Reevz666
yep, a good amount of the 89 footage out there is from my VCR tapes...I put them on DVD's a few years back and circulated them over on the BOTB and ebay and now they are all over Youtube.....if it's 89 or Returns, chances are I've either seen it, heard it or have it =)

here's the covers I made for the DVD's

Cool stuff, dude. Do you plan on making one for Returns, by any chance?