Alicia Hunt

Started by batass4880, Thu, 26 Feb 2009, 01:43

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Quote from: ral on Wed, 10 Jun  2009, 00:46
Thanks guys

Congrats Ral.  When's the baby due?
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Thanks johnny - first week in December

Cool, a December-born baby, just like Oswald.  8)

 :-\ don't say that  :'(


Quote from: ral on Wed, 10 Jun  2009, 21:06
:-\ don't say that  :'(


Oh no... didn't mean it like that (no deformities or anything else Oswald went through, just that their births are in the same month)! ;)

Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Wed, 10 Jun  2009, 21:10
Oh no... didn't mean it like that (no deformities or anything else Oswald went through, just that their births are in the same month)! ;)

Dark Knight Detective meant to say, a December birth, just like Christ.   :)

Besides, do we know Oswald was born in December?  Personally, I don't think he was.  It seems that his parents may have discarded him sometime after he was born - after all he was already big enough to eat a cat by Christmas.

Anyway, Christmas time, or there abouts will be a great time to have a new baby Ral!
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Wed, 10 Jun  2009, 21:18
Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Wed, 10 Jun  2009, 21:10
Oh no... didn't mean it like that (no deformities or anything else Oswald went through, just that their births are in the same month)! ;)

Dark Knight Detective meant to say, a December birth, just like Christ.   :)

That too.

Well Oswald must have been born in atleast in late November because the film opens with it snowing while he's being born, but I would say December.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: DarkVengeance on Thu, 11 Jun  2009, 00:33
Well Oswald must have been born in atleast in late November because the film opens with it snowing while he's being born, but I would say December.

I actually figured that Oswald was abandoned about a year after he was born, so he could even have been born in January or February.  I got the impression that his parents had come to their joint decision after their child had displayed various worrying signs of sociopathy (such as the cat incident).  Surely, that would only have occurred after a substantial period of time.

Besides, it would still have made sense for a 9 or 10-month year-old to be kept in a cot, especially one as twisted and repellent as Oswald.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Quote from: johnnygobbs on Thu, 11 Jun  2009, 00:40
I actually figured that Oswald was abandoned about a year after he was born, so he could even have been born in January or February.  I got the impression that his parents had come to their joint decision after their child had displayed various worrying signs of sociopathy (such as the cat incident).  Surely, that would only have occurred after a substantial period of time.

Besides, it would still have made sense for a 9 or 10-month year-old to be kept in a cot, especially one as twisted and repellent as Oswald.

Teah, this is certainly logical. Nice scenario, Johnny.  8)
"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."