BATMAN 1989 Myspace Page

Started by Batnar, Tue, 24 Feb 2009, 14:07

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Tue, 24 Feb 2009, 14:07 Last Edit: Sun, 1 Mar 2009, 21:40 by Batnar
Hey bat brothers.  :)
I recently began putting together a nice little BATMAN 1989 dedicated myspace page that I wanted to share with you all.
Its not ready yet and i have it in private mode for now with no friends listed on yet.

There's not one Myspace account thats dedicated to the 89 masterpiece so I felt it was my duty to support!  :D
20TH Anniversary style!

I did have a question though. I have collected a lot of pictures from the Bat archives over at this one website that stores a bunch of production pictures very similar to the ones you have on this site, however, I was wondering if it would be ok to upload some of the pictures posted here to the myspace account in the pictures archive???

(basically, im asking for permission)

I would love to post some of those nice Batman figure pics in them as well as the props and fan made props.

Im pretty ok with creating layouts to look professionally made so no worries about me making anything you have here look bad. I even created a banner that links directly back to this site.

I will have the page ready for view in a few days and I will come back and show it to you for membership and approval.

I plan to post my 89 costume pics there too.  ;)

Long live the 89!!!
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."

Nice of you to ask Batnar.

At the end of the day, this site doesn't have any copyright claim over any photos on this site (and I've only ever put a watermark on anything that I spent days restoring, etc.).

So use what ever you like.  I would ask that you check the owership of any photo you are going to use (picture poster, owner) as some people may have posted stuff they don't want anywhere else.

It's great that you have a link back to here, it is really appreciated since in most cases I have scanned and enhanced most of the behind the scenes photos on the site (and I do pay to host them ;D).

Completely understandable!  :)

I really like this site so much that I wanted to connect it together in more ways than just linking. Get it more involved. There's a lot of 89 fans out there. I just need to let them know the page exists. Get the 89 party going! lol *hopefully*

And I will happily add the credits for you and or this site on each photo that I use and I also just read your pm and I will avoid any of those said pics from being uploaded. No problem. Thank you!

Be back in a few days with the page updates!  :D
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."

Massive Kudos to you Batnar, it's great to see a fan really making an extra effort to present this film in a way that it will be honoured and respected.

I am looking forward to seeing this myspace page and will tell everyone I know about it. I am presently considering a Bat calender not only fro us in this year but years to come with pictures (screenshots) from this film in chronological order. That's just my small way of celebrating this film. I even have my screensaver at home and at work with shots from the film and I change it every month (12 in all).

This film IMO is a masterpiece, not only in the superhero genre but overall. There is something about it, an aura, that I feel no other film has, it's just fantastic.

Let's do everything we can to make the 20th anniversary of this landmark as fun and worthwile as possible, hopefully there are events set up so that alot of people can get info, watch and just appreciate it and maybe become big Batman fans themselves.

Once again, Batnar, good for you, I'll be rooting for you and my other Batbrothers (and/or Batsisters)

Ok! It's about ready to go. There's a few minor things I want to work in later but the page is set. And I installed a chat widget as well!  ;)

Hope you guys like it and add up!

Oh and btw, please review the pictures i posted. If for whatever reason there's a pic or two there that shouldn't be, please let me know and I will remove it.  ;)

Ok, i need to get some sleep now..   zzz ZZzzzz -_-

Myspace BATMAN
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."

It looks great Batnar - putting this site to shame! :-[  ;)

add a link for it here

Thanks guys, I'm glad you liked it!  ;D I've already got some add requests and added a few myself. Things should get kickin soon enough. =]

I processed the page link too, thanks Ral!  ;)
And nothing can put your magnificent site to shame! It's the best there is brother.  :)
"Do you like eating in here?"   ...Oh yeah. .. ....   ... ... ...You know to tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever been in this room before.   
"hahaeheheh"  You want to get out of here?  "YES."

Excellent site Batnar, I'll surely tell everyone I know about it and you're right ral's site is a benchmark for a Batman site and a movie site overall. The best place to come in celebration of Burton's Bat-films.