Batman - The rejected posters

Started by Azrael, Sun, 22 Feb 2009, 22:03

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Yeah, the final poster of the film is the best they could use to promote the movie and is emblematic, but IMO many of the rejected/alternate posters of the film are interesting in their own way, my favorite being the last.

Does anyone have any hi-res versions that could be good for printing?

What's funny about the poster all the way on the right is that it looks like Bruce Timm drew Batman.

I think you might've forgotten about the poster that has "And then he will return". What's funny about that poster is that it sounds as though it's referring to The Dark Knight Returns & Batman Returns ("In the not too distant future").

You mean this?

Yeah, I love these overwrought taglines as well.  :)

Quote from: silenig on Sun, 22 Feb  2009, 22:17
You mean this?

Yeah, I love these overwrought taglines as well.  :)


The tagline is a little out of place, but it sounds great for The Dark Knight Returns movie (if there will ever be one). Wouldn't you agree?

Sun, 22 Feb 2009, 22:49 #4 Last Edit: Sun, 22 Feb 2009, 23:02 by silenig
Yeah, it would fit.

I don't think it's out of place because it fits with the imagery and the tone of the poster - it looks like the cover of the "Heavy Metal" comics magazine, only with Batman. This is why I love them as alternate, rejected posters, they have the flavor of that decade (Well, except the last one about which you said Batman looks like Dini's, which is absolutely beautiful as an official poster).. Still, the one they used is the best

Sun, 22 Feb 2009, 22:56 #5 Last Edit: Sun, 22 Feb 2009, 23:04 by The Batman Returns
Quote from: silenig on Sun, 22 Feb  2009, 22:49
Yeah, it would fit.

I don't think it's out of place because it gels with the imagery and the tone of the poster - it looks like the cover of the "Heavy Metal" comics magazine, only with Batman. This is why I love them as alternate, rejected posters, they have the flavor of that decade (Well, except the last one about which you said Batman looks like Dini's, which is absolutely beautiful as an official poster).. Still, the one they used is the best

I believe you meant Timm (sorry if I sound like a perfectionist).

Anyway, I think B A T M A N should've used all of those posters (except the one before the Timm looking poster, b/c Joker looks pretty weird). They all have that 80's flavor to them.

Quote from: The Batman Returns on Sun, 22 Feb  2009, 22:56

Anyway, I think B A T M A N should've used all of those posters (except the one before the Timm looking poster, b/c Joker looks pretty weird).

Hey, nice to see you also dislike the B89 abbreviation  8)

To me, the poster they went with was the way to go. Simple, but effective, and it really burned into people's minds. I do like that "KEATON/NICHOLSON" one with them standing, though.

Im glad we got what we got, Im not a fan really of any of these posters.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: DarkVengeance on Fri, 28 Aug  2009, 03:05
Im glad we got what we got, Im not a fan really of any of these posters.
Same here, the only one of the bunch I like is the first. It kind of reminds me of the old Indiana Jones posters (with the little pictures of scenes from the movie). But the shiny bat-emblem can't be beat in my mind, it's too awesome.  8)
Sam Kinison is my God.