Exploding Axis Chemicals

Started by Kamdan, Fri, 20 Feb 2009, 04:15

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Has it ever bothered anyone that Batman sent the Batmobile to blow up Axis Chemicals by remote control? It would have been so cool to him pop out of the cockpit than seeing him just appear from nowhere. That approach was in the comic, but not the movie. I would have understood it better had they done it with the Batmobile itself being the bomb, but jeeze!

The remote control thing is way cooler. When I saw that scene for the first time, I absolutely loved it.

Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Fri, 20 Feb  2009, 04:15
Has it ever bothered anyone that Batman sent the Batmobile to blow up Axis Chemicals by remote control? It would have been so cool to him pop out of the cockpit than seeing him just appear from nowhere. That approach was in the comic, but not the movie. I would have understood it better had they done it with the Batmobile itself being the bomb, but jeeze!

Thank god I'm not alone. I also thought it would've been sweet if he-himself drove the Batmobile into the factory and blown it up. Plus the car itself came out in one piece so it's not like there was any danger of himself being blown up. That would've looked so bad-ass!

Well, he did direct the vehicle himself. I dont see how him being in the seat changes anything.


Does everything in this forum have to be a debate!!!??

It makes perfect sense hes not in the car as how did he not know a big wall would come down and flaten the car!!

Would you go inside a building while blowing it up!??

Anyway, at least the 'Bat-turn' was born out of this sequence.

Sun, 22 Feb 2009, 18:01 #5 Last Edit: Sun, 22 Feb 2009, 18:58 by The Batman Returns
Quote from: Joker81 on Sun, 22 Feb  2009, 17:53
Anyway, at least the 'Bat-turn' was born out of this sequence.

He first displayed that right before he left the Axis Chemical Factory after Napier's fall.

what pissed me off is the shot of the shot-put looking bomb being dropped from the batmobile and then you kind of see it roll at an angle that would have sent it underneath the batmobile - could they not have filmed it where the bomb rolls away from the batmobile?

Did you think the Batmobile was going to be stationary the whole time? I bet seconds after that shot, that car would have been out of there in a flash. Batman would have known the impact time once deployed, etc.

if the batmobile had pulled away the second after that shot it would have been rolling over the bomb - they should have showed the bomb roll away - not back toward the batmobile

not filmed well

Fri, 27 Feb 2009, 02:18 #9 Last Edit: Fri, 27 Feb 2009, 02:26 by The Dark Knight
Not filmed well? Rubbish. I just don't see that being an argument. I see the moment as being more realistic for it, myself.

It's just how things are. The bomb was going to roll where it wanted to, not where Batman wanted it. It could have rolled backwards, forwards, sideways or slantways. But it went that way, the physics or whatever decided that's where it would go. You might want it to roll in another direction, but doesn't mean it's going to. It's just chance, and what happens in the moment.

And I doubt Batman could see little details such as that from where he was controlling the vehicle off in the distance. All he had to know was that the bomb had been deployed, and the time frame in which to get away from the initial explosion.

Underneath the bomb or directly next to it, it really wouldn't matter when the thing goes off. You're going to be dead all the same. The Batmobile would have cleared that area by then.