How often do you watch Bat '89?

Started by Jack Napier, Sat, 7 Feb 2009, 20:00

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Power Rangers was not the MAIN reason and I had no problem with the Burton tone, but at the time I thought it was purely based on his films which seemed boring to me. Like I said, I only saw no more than two episodes at the time.

To sum it up, I thought it was a kids' show based only on Burton's movies. I now know better. :)

I've been watching the Batman89 special features of late. Some good stuff on there indeed. I rather liked the documentary on the production design by Anton Furst. The guy was a genius.

Quote from: batass4880 on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 05:43
Power Rangers was not the MAIN reason and I had no problem with the Burton tone, but at the time I thought it was purely based on his films which seemed boring to me. Like I said, I only saw no more than two episodes at the time.

To sum it up, I thought it was a kids' show based only on Burton's movies. I now know better. :)

B:TAS, while it was on Fox Kids, definitely wasn't a kid show. It was made to appeal to an older audience, but a lot of people in my age group who watched the show back in the 90's became fans & love the show to this day.

BTW, how was it like to watch B:TAS years after you first saw it? It sounds as though you were amazed at how grand it is.

Quote from: The Batman Returns on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 05:49BTW, how was it like to watch B:TAS years after you first saw it? It sounds as though you were amazed at how grand it is.

TAS is so cool! It's like watching a Batman comic book. I was so shocked at how wrong I was as a teen at my initial feelings on the series. It's so dark, elegant and well done. I love everything about it, especially the 40's style film noir music. Now whenever I read a Batman comic, I hear the actors voices in my head. I only wish they made more shows in the same exact vein as the original 1992-1995 run.

BTAS was actually the first incarnation of Batman that I saw. My five year old self thought it was the coolest thing around, simply because I had never seen anything like it. This was right before Forever came out (very underrated), in the summer of '95. My brother rented MOTP around that time,and I finally saw the live action films when BF came out on vhs. Believe it or not, B89 was my favorite even at that young age.

Damn, I'll be 19 in a month and this all feels like yesterday.

On average I watch Batman 89 about 5 times a year, maybe more if I feel like it and I watch Returns about the same amount of times, but sometimes it varies.
"Tell me something my friend, you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight"- The Joker- Batman 89

"I guess I`m tired of wearing masks"- Selina Kyle- Batman Returns

"But if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can't stop you, then you become something else entirely...a legend Mr Wayne"- Henri Ducard- Batman Begins

"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian, I can do those things cause I`m not a hero not like Dent"- Batman- The Dark Knight

Well, I'm planing to watch it this Monday.  ;)Two weeks ago I watched BR.  ;D
I used to watch B89 more some years ago, but I still see it some times.
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.