How often do you watch Bat '89?

Started by Jack Napier, Sat, 7 Feb 2009, 20:00

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I don't watch it THAT much, I want to space it out a little so I can NEVER get tired of this movie. Even though I have watched zillions of times........... ;D ;D I watch it every once in a while, but it is THE most watched movie I own right now, with Mars Attacks! being a close second :). The last time I watched it was a couple of weeks ago. G4 had a marathon called "Movies That Don't Suck" ;D, and they played Batman '89. As a matter of fact I watched it TWICE during that marathon (they had two airings of it). I feel into the mood today, so I'm going to watch this sometime tonight.
*Wipes blood off of Newspaper*
-Winged freak TERRORIZES? Wait'll they get a load of me.

I watch it now and then but I saw it so much as a kid that I try to space out viewings of it these days.  Maybe once a year.  Twice at most.

I watch BR far more often (usually about three times per year).  I think it's a better film, Burton found a more comfortable groove and it's more than just a superhero story.  B89, at times, can be called a "superhero story".  A damn good one but a "superhero story" nonetheless in certain scenes.  Through and through BR is a character piece, and one that holds up over time.

Both movies are 200% better with the commentary running, as far as I'm concerned.

I've been watching it more these last few months, but before last summer, it had been about ten years since I'd seen it al the way through. I've watched Returns and Forever a lot more during these past few years though.

I regard watching it as a sacred ritual. I try not to watch it for at least a year. When I watch it, I only watch it three, four, maybe five times in a one month period.

Like Colors, I watched it all the time as a kid until Returns came out and then I watched that all the time, but even though my '89 habit died down, I still watched it too much. After Forever came out, I decided to not watch the first two movies for 10 years. I broke down after 8.

When I had the urge to watch it again about 5 years ago, it was sorta like watching it for the first time. I felt like the kid who saw it back in 1989.

Sun, 8 Feb 2009, 03:38 #4 Last Edit: Sun, 8 Feb 2009, 03:41 by The Batman Returns
With me, I have to watch the second after I see the first. So yeah, first BATMAN & then Returns to follow.

Quote from: batass4880 on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 03:33

Like Colors, I watched it all the time as a kid until Returns came out and then I watched that all the time, but even though my '89 habit died down, I still watched it too much. After Forever came out, I decided to not watch the first two movies for 10 years. I broke down after 8.

Did Forever ruin your taste for the Batman films? Was Mask of the Phantasm included as well?

Sun, 8 Feb 2009, 04:04 #5 Last Edit: Tue, 10 Feb 2009, 22:28 by batass4880
Quote from: The Batman Returns on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 03:38Did Forever ruin your taste for the Batman films? Was Mask of the Phantasm included as well?

Absolutely not. I'm one of the few who really likes Forever alot, though not as much as the first two.

It just so happened that when Forever came out, it got me thinking that I've cheapened the viewing experience of '89 and Returns so I decided to stop watching it for a good while. I did the same with Forever after I watched it for a few months.

B&R did however ruin my taste for Batman and I was like "that's it, it's over!" >:( I think I got interested in Bats again when I moved to a more urban setting, since I grew up in the sticks.

I only first saw MOTP about five years ago. As a teen, I always dismissed TAS as a "Saturday morning" version of Tim Burton's movies so I had no interest in it until I realized that it was based on the comics, especially of the 40's and 70's.

I've watched 89 about three times so far this year. I'll give it a rest now....I don't want to be too used to masterpeices such as this.

Sun, 8 Feb 2009, 04:31 #7 Last Edit: Tue, 17 Feb 2009, 21:16 by The Batman Returns
Quote from: batass4880 on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 04:04
Quote from: The Batman Returns on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 03:38Did Forever ruin your taste for the Batman films? Was Mask of the Phantasm included as well?

Absolutely not. I'm one of the few who really likes Forever alot, though not as much as the first two.

I'm pretty much the same.

Quote from: batass4880 on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 04:04
When Forever came out it got me thinking that I've cheapened the viewing experience of '89 and Returns so I decided to stop watching it for a good while. I did the same with Forever after I watched it for a few months.

I could never get tired of watching the first two films. But that's just from my view.

Quote from: batass4880 on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 04:04
B&R did however ruin my taste for Batman and I was like "that's it, it's over!" >:( I think I got interested in Bats again when I moved to a more urban setting, since I grew up in the sticks.

Even though I hated B&R, I've always looked to the positive side of the Batman universe. IMO, it's just not worth anything to give up on Batman.

Quote from: batass4880 on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 04:04
I only first saw MOTP about five years ago. As a teen, I always dismissed TAS as a "Saturday morning" version of Tim Burton's movies so I had no interest in it until I realized that it was based on the comics, especially of the 40's and 70's.

I forgot about that. Why dismiss B:TAS as a Burton cartoon (I'm just curious)?

Anyway, from my view, it's a mixture of the Batman comics from 1939, the early 40's, 1969 (the time O'Neil & Adams came to Batman), 70's, 80's, early 90's, & last but certainly not least, the Burton films themselves. Like I've said in the past, it's an animated & televised Batman adaptation at its finest

Sun, 8 Feb 2009, 05:04 #8 Last Edit: Sun, 8 Feb 2009, 05:08 by batass4880
Quote from: The Batman Returns on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 04:31Why dismiss B:TAS as a Burton cartoon (I'm just curious)?

Because it was on weekday afternoons before or after the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and because it had the same vibe as Burton's films. I probably only saw one or two episodes of it and I thought the Penguin looked too much like Danny DeVito's, even though I thought he rocked. I was also loosing interest in cartoons at the time.

Quote from: batass4880 on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 05:04
Because it was on weekday afternoons before or after the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and because it had the same vibe as Burton's films. I probably only saw one or two episodes of it and I thought the Penguin looked too much like Danny DeVito's, even though I thought he rocked. I was also loosing interest in cartoons at the time.

MMPR was the main reason? I loved that show (and still do)! And did the fact that the Burton films did influence B:TAS in some way did not interest you?

As for the Penguin, while he looked like DeVito's Penguin, his story is a combination of his comic book self & BR self. In other words, he sort of has the gentleman thing going like in the pre-BR comics, but he's deformed & a misfit like in BR. And while DeVito's Penguin is my favorite, this version of the character fits within the series.