Batman Adventure: The Ride

Started by drax1, Sat, 7 Feb 2009, 16:39

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Don't know how many of you have seen this before. It's been floating around for years but I thought it worth mentioning here. It's gold.

Both Warner Brothers Movie World in Germany and Australia had this motion simulator ride from 1992. Germany kept it till 2004, Gold Coast changed to a newer, CGI-footage based ride in 2001.

Filmed on the sets and miniatures of Returns. It's incredible.

You get a bit of a sense of how the 92 Gotham sets must have felt at ground level.

I would kill for a good copy of this. The Back To The Future Ride got the DVD treatment (on the forthcoming bluray) but since this isn't so well known outside of Europe and Australia, I doubt we'll ever see the same. In any case, enjoy.

Ride (in German)

Preshow (also German)

(A little) more info at

The fact that we never got this in America is a f***in' crime.

This is a Burtonite's dream. Period.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

That is so awesome!!! I would give anything to have seen that in person.  :'(
Sam Kinison is my God.

That looks so cool to experience! It's just a shame that this isn't in a Six Flags close to me. :(

Ii wish I would go to it.. it looks awesome! :-\
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.

That is AMAZING!!! Why couldn't Six Flags have something like that? Don't get me wrong, the Batman ride is awesome and all, but this is like, 'Gotham Tours'. (Ala Star Tours), but wayyyyyyyyyyyy better! I love going to Six Flags cuz it's the only place where I can get a taste of Gotham City. Hard to explain, but it's just feels, right.
"I don't know about youy Miss Kitty, but I feel...soo much yummier!"

That was indeed fantastic! I wish WB and whoever it partners with can see the need to get a virtual ride like this, especially from the Burton films, we could start with the Gotham from 89 and move to a winter setting for Batman Returns. In fact i think someone needs to start a petition.

Thu, 12 Feb 2009, 08:16 #7 Last Edit: Thu, 12 Feb 2009, 08:18 by phantom stranger
I had the chance to experience this ride when I was in Germany way back in the late 90's. After waiting in a pretty long line, we were seated in a capsule of sorts. As you can see from the video, it basically just shakes you up a bit. The movie screen gives you the illusion of being in Gotham City.

I don't believe we recorded it, but if we did, it probably wouldn't look much different than the youtube video. At the time, I didn't appreciate how amazing it was to get an extended look at the '92 sets. It's a shame this didn't make it on the DVD.

Hopefully, one day we'll get a Batman equivalent of the "Superman Ultimate Collector's Edition" DVD set and this will be on it. The Batman Anthology is good, but it doesn't have nearly as many extras on it.

Thu, 12 Feb 2009, 15:28 #8 Last Edit: Thu, 12 Feb 2009, 15:33 by Batman
Cool find! I only knew that crappy pre-show clip and never knew the story behind it.
While the ride itself does look great, the whole thing is tainted by those truly terrible voice-overs. Maybe I'll watch it another time mute while playing some Batman music.

I hope this will make it on some medium eventually, with sound FX and music only.
That voice-over/ "acting" work needs to go.

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! another Batman ride ;D I can't wait till my next trip up Qld. P.S. That motion simulator ride is so much fun.