Beyond The Films - Expanded Sequences

Started by The Dark Knight, Sat, 7 Feb 2009, 05:29

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Tue, 10 Feb 2009, 02:37 #40 Last Edit: Tue, 10 Feb 2009, 02:44 by The Batman Returns
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Tue, 10 Feb  2009, 02:33
I've always wondered how the Cobblepots covered up Oswald's "death".  There were several eye witnesses, many of whom you'd think would remember being at the home of a wealthy and prominent man who's wife gave birth to a deformed baby with flipper hands.  There'd be a certificate of live birth that'd have to be dealt with eventually as well.

There's two out of several things that possibly could've happened.

1: The Cobblepots told the witnesses a story that Oswald died of some other cause (like they lost control of his carriage, causing him to fall out & hit a tree head on, for ex.).

2: The witnesses were glad that Oswald was dead (or so they thought) & told no one else about it.

You're right, though. There's something very fishy about that (no pun intended).

Was the black cat Bruce found in the alley Selina's cat or was it a stray?

Tue, 10 Feb 2009, 03:30 #42 Last Edit: Tue, 10 Feb 2009, 03:57 by The Batman Returns
Quote from: batass4880 on Tue, 10 Feb  2009, 03:25
Was the black cat Bruce found in the alley Selina's cat or was it a stray?

That was definitely Miss Kitty. You could just tell by Catwoman's presence & the way the cat looks (compare this to the scenes in Selina's apartment).

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Tue, 10 Feb  2009, 02:33
I've always wondered how the Cobblepots covered up Oswald's "death".  There were several eye witnesses, many of whom you'd think would remember being at the home of a wealthy and prominent man who's wife gave birth to a deformed baby with flipper hands.  There'd be a certificate of live birth that'd have to be dealt with eventually as well.
That is a good thought. I don't know what they did. Maybe reported the child stolen, missing or something.

They were probably so ashamed that hardly anyone knew they had a child, if you had a mutant freak of a child, you wouldn't be pimping out that fact.

Ergo, only the doctor and nurse at the birth knew, and they probably wouldn't bother saying anything. To the rest of the town that knew Mrs. Cobblepot was pregnant, they probably claimed miscarriage.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

I wonder where Joker filmed those TV ads and got those props? :P

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 11 Feb  2009, 00:41
I wonder where Joker filmed those TV ads and got those props? :P

Maybe he killed the store's owner & modified the props.

Quote from: batass4880 on Mon,  9 Feb  2009, 01:51
Here's something that's always bothered me--Catwoman destroys the dept. store but a few days later, Shreck is hosting a Christmas party there and it looks nice and clean. How on Earth did they rebuild so fast? Not to mention that the building was in one peace when you see Batman hanging on Catwoman's whip but that was probably just a goof.

I was just thinking that the other day when I watched BR. I don't know why it never occured to me! Ive seens the move hundreds of times. And this is something Im just thinking about? Goes to show that you really do notice something new when you watch some over & over again. But (most of) the movie took place in the 'town squar' with the big christmas tree. So again it doesn't really make sense.

Speaking of not making sense, does anyone notice how after Selina becomes Catwoman time kinda gets funky? Hear me out:

-Selian becomes Catwoman (Night)
-Then you got the mayor making his speach the next day I assum (Day)
-Followed by Penguin making his presence known to the world, Bruce watching it on Tv (Day)
-Penguin at Hall Of Records (Day)
-Batman driving by Hall Of Records (Night)
-Penguin At Cemetary (Day)
-Guy selling newspapers (Day)
-Catwoman's 'first time' (Night)
-Max, Bruce, & Selina in office (Day)

What makes it confusing is that Selina talks about 'last night', refearing to when Shreck pushed her out the window. Yet, it seems a day or so has passed. Am I missing something? Just a thought

Lastly, in the comic version, the conversation between Catwoman & Batman, when he's hanging onto her whip, is much longer than the movie version. Is that the 'uncut' version? or just something the comic added? I would think it's maybe in the novelization also? I have to admit I never read that. (I know, shame shame!) Just curious to know (no pun intended)
"I don't know about youy Miss Kitty, but I feel...soo much yummier!"

I think the ballroom where Shrek's party takes place is on another level of the Department Store. In the movie-making sense, it's the same set redressed, but I assume it's supposed to be on another flight, perhaps downstairs, which would explain the sewer connection and Selina coming down the stairs.

But maybe they just quickly renovated the ground level. Shrek does have the money.

Quote from: The Batman Returns on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 03:55
Here's a BATMAN question: how exactly did Batman deliver the bat signal to City Hall?

Never has it occurred to me that Batman literally gave them the sign.
I always thought Gordon saw the Batwing in front of the moon and figured that'd be the sign.
Or that Batman signed his letter with the Batman symbol (like in Batman Returns) and they figured they should project the signal in the sky to call him.