Beyond The Films - Expanded Sequences

Started by The Dark Knight, Sat, 7 Feb 2009, 05:29

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Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon,  9 Feb  2009, 01:31What about the Penguin, where did he fly to after Catwoman blew up the store?

I was going to say the top of Shreck's building but obviously...

Here's something that's always bothered me--Catwoman destroys the dept. store but a few days later, Shreck is hosting a Christmas party there and it looks nice and clean. How on Earth did they rebuild so fast? Not to mention that the building was in one peace when you see Batman hanging on Catwoman's whip but that was probably just a goof.

Well, Gotham's a big city.  Who says there's only one Shreck department store?  ;D
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Quote from: The Batman Returns on Mon,  9 Feb  2009, 01:43
To the Artic Zoo, no doubt.
I imagine flying to that location from the CBD to be a massive distance. Perhaps he flew away for a distance, touched down on the street somewhere, opened up a sewer lid, and summoned his duck. Then, drives to the lair.

The Penguin wasn't at Arctic World anymore at that point--he was living in the attic of his political office by that time. Probably just halfway across town.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Good point, I think that apartment would be pretty close by.

Imagine these scenarios:

The Joker making his way up Grissom?s building, from the ground floor to the top, probably encountering guards, etc.

Batman taking Vicki back to her apartment after gassing her in the cave.

Mon, 9 Feb 2009, 17:30 #35 Last Edit: Mon, 9 Feb 2009, 18:04 by The Batman Returns
How did the Joker get to the surgeon? Bob definitely didn't find him & drive him over there b/c the first thing Joker would've done was look in one of the car's mirrors, which would've ruined the purpose of going to the surgeon's place. Is it explained in the novel? ???

Don't you know? Bob can do anything. He merely thought Jack over to the surgeon, and it was so.

It's no wonder he was Jack's "#1 Guy." :P

But in all seriousness, he probably just came-to in the Gotham Eats River and hoofed it over there, not wanting to be seen, knowing that his pride-and-joy, his image, was ruined.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Mon, 9 Feb 2009, 21:56 #37 Last Edit: Mon, 9 Feb 2009, 21:58 by The Batman Returns
Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Mon,  9 Feb  2009, 21:43
Don't you know? Bob can do anything. He merely thought Jack over to the surgeon, and it was so.

What do you mean by thought?

Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Mon,  9 Feb  2009, 21:43
But in all seriousness, he probably just came-to in the Gotham Eats River and hoofed it over there, not wanting to be seen, knowing that his pride-and-joy, his image, was ruined.

That's quite a possibility. Or perhaps Bob found Jack semi-conscious & drove him to the surgeon's place.

I doubt Bob was involved, unless Jack called him.

And I meant "thought" as in ESP. It was a joke. Actually, an inside joke of mine and a friend's, but I had forgotten that it was an inside joke before I made it.

My friend and I came up with a silly way of explaining all of the unexplainable in the Batman films by saying that Bob didn't really die, and he spend the rest of his days working for Gotham behind the scenes. Bob was the one who stole and sold the Penguin the Batmobile plans, Bob screwed with the Batwing's targeting computer to make Batman miss the Joker, Bob singlenadedly remodeled Gotham City to the way it looked in the Schumacher movies... etc...

Like I said, inside joke. :)
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

I've always wondered how the Cobblepots covered up Oswald's "death".  There were several eye witnesses, many of whom you'd think would remember being at the home of a wealthy and prominent man who's wife gave birth to a deformed baby with flipper hands.  There'd be a certificate of live birth that'd have to be dealt with eventually as well.