Beyond The Films - Expanded Sequences

Started by The Dark Knight, Sat, 7 Feb 2009, 05:29

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I think he was looking for Max for some reason, only to turn his way back after not finding him. Of course, the viewer knows Max fell down that secret trap door.

Anyone want to take a guess as to what happened to Mrs. Shreck? I'm going to have to say that Max secretly killed her himself.

I bet she was a trophy wife, maybe 1 or 2 years younger than Andrew Bryniarski, and she just run away with the money ;D

Sun, 7 Jun 2009, 01:08 #73 Last Edit: Sun, 7 Jun 2009, 01:14 by TheBatMan0887
Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 06:05
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 05:40
Here's one, where did the Joker get that party float and how did he get it there? He flies to the parade via helicopter, so someone else must have done the task.

Speaking of the parade, why does the Joker mask himself from the smylex? Most interpretations of the character don't have that (although he did do this in the B:TAS episode The Last Laugh). I think it would make more sense to have him being immune to the very thing that gives him what he has: a permanent smile.

On the Burton film, the chemical doesn't actually give him the smile. When BatMan reflects his bullet, it hits some glass and cuts deep into the cheeks and nerves around his mouth. The doctor explains that nothing could be done during surgery. The chemical on here just react with his skin and hair pigmentation. Dying the hair and burning/bleaching/removing skin color pigments. That's why I think there is subtle realism going on here as well, but only enough to get the other side in there lightly too. It would be rediculous if the chemical magically makes him a permanent smile and not do anything else to his body.

Therefore, the smylex, which acts as the Joker venom, would be leathal being a different chemical then the ones he fell in.
A smiley's impression of Jack Nicholson    8)

Now as Jack's Joker laughing   :D

Okay, this is something I've always debated with people I've watched the movie with. 

Was it the glass breaking from that gauge the bullet hit that hit Jack in the face, or did the bullet ricochet and go through both his cheeks? 

I've always said it was the glass breaking and flying out that caught him in the face, but almost everyone I've watched the movie with has thought the bullet bounced back and passed through his cheeks.

I always thought of it as the bullet hitting him, but the glass could have been the cause...hmmm

According to the comic adaptation the bullet passed through both cheeks, & in the novel, it says that the bullet ricocheted off Batman's cape hitting Jack in the face.

I've always thought that rather than leaving Jack with 2 holes in his cheeks, the surgeon just made the smile by connecting the mouth to the holes. If that makes sense.  :P But I've always wondered why the victims of the Smylex have exactly the same smile as the Joker.

Another thing that I thought of recently, what happened to Harold's wallet? Batman roughed up Nick & Eddie for stealing it but never gave it back!  ???

Thanks, guys! 

I wasn't sure because there's a very quick shot right after Batman puts his hand up to deflect the bullet that shows glass breaking in the gauge and I always thought that the flying glass was the cause.  But the bullet passing through both cheeks and the surgeon having to pull the skin around the mouth up to close up the holes makes sense. 

Quote from: Rob the Goon on Sun,  7 Jun  2009, 16:56
Another thing that I thought of recently, what happened to Harold's wallet? Batman roughed up Nick & Eddie for stealing it but never gave it back!  ???

to the victor the spoils - batman took the card and went on a spending spree - hence the batmobile and batwing  ;)

on a serious note though, the card shows up later in an "auction" scene in Batman & Robin  ;)  :D

I don't know though, the angle is off being he's facing BM. We'd have the ol magic bullet thing going on (though they said all that was is that the seat positioning wasn't streight ahead or the same height, which was proven). I think the glass shattered looking at the damage. What Rob said is pretty much how I think the surgery could have went down in both scenarios.

Anywho, the point of the post I made was actually to show that the chemical didn't make the smile, and like the post said, it would be a new concoction this smylex gas.
A smiley's impression of Jack Nicholson    8)

Now as Jack's Joker laughing   :D