The Oscars

Started by Paul (ral), Sat, 24 Jan 2009, 12:04

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Anyone gonna be watching them?

I never do anymore.  :(

I used to watch them religiously but the past few years I have had little excitement for them.

This year though there are some great performances and films out there.

Frost / Nixon, The Wrestler, Milk, Revolutionary Road and Benjamin Button are all fantastic.

Quote from: raleagh on Sat, 24 Jan  2009, 20:18
I used to watch them religiously but the past few years I have had little excitement for them.

This year though there are some great performances and films out there.

Frost / Nixon, The Wrestler, Milk, Revolutionary Road and Benjamin Button are all fantastic.

I wanna see The Wrestler and Button (Gotta crush on Blanchett  raaaawwwr)

I wanna know if Ledger will win the best supporting actor... sure he deserves it.  ;D
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.

Watched Frost/Nixon tonight. Absolutely brilliant film. Everyone in it is great especially Michael Sheen and Frank Langella. Langella almost had me in tears over Nixon - a deeply moving performance.

Howards best and it deserves any success it might get at the Oscars.

I'll watch but only for The Wrestler. The Oscars are so full of sh*t now and Heath winning will prove it.

Sun, 1 Feb 2009, 01:22 #7 Last Edit: Sun, 1 Feb 2009, 01:23 by raleagh
Watched Benjamin Button last night - I really enjoyed it, Pitt was better than I thought he would be.

It should def win the Best Make-up and Visual Effect Oscars - the job they did on Cate Blanchett was unbelieveable and Pitt was seemless in the little old body.

Heath Ledger's performance was totally amazing & he completely deserves an Oscar for it...seriously. I like all aspects of the Batman genre & the way Christopher Noland has totally revived the character, movie-wise, is great!

But, I gotta agree that the Oscars are really very kinda lame & in the last few years has just been a marketing device for Hollywood. I might watch it but won't be shattered if I accidentally missed it.

I know it's kind of morbid, & I don't mean for this to sound that way, nor do I mean to be disrespectful, but my favorite part of the Oscars is when they show all the people who died recently.

I think it's a nice tribute & I like to remember the actors who gave us such great characters & kind of thank them. Every now & then I'm sort of shocked about seeing somebody who I didn't know had died. But anyways, they always do such a great job on that.

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The most touching moment for me was seeing Christopher Reeve come on to the stage after his accident to talk about the power of films to change people.

I was quite overwhelmed by that.