Two-Face's make-up

Started by Paul (ral), Fri, 9 Jan 2009, 02:55

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Quote from: DarkVengeance on Fri,  9 Jan  2009, 23:08probably because he had no true knowledge of the character and didnt research to find a good medium like Eckhart did.
Hey, Eckhart made a good Harvey but his Two Face?  Not so much.  He felt like "Harvey going crazy" instead of being a legitimate split personality.

Still better than TLJ though.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sat, 10 Jan  2009, 20:30
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Fri,  9 Jan  2009, 23:08probably because he had no true knowledge of the character and didnt research to find a good medium like Eckhart did.
Hey, Eckhart made a good Harvey but his Two Face?  Not so much.  He felt like "Harvey going crazy" instead of being a legitimate split personality.
It was more "realistic" to have that. Blame Nolan.

Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Sat, 10 Jan  2009, 23:16
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sat, 10 Jan  2009, 20:30
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Fri,  9 Jan  2009, 23:08probably because he had no true knowledge of the character and didnt research to find a good medium like Eckhart did.
Hey, Eckhart made a good Harvey but his Two Face?  Not so much.  He felt like "Harvey going crazy" instead of being a legitimate split personality.
It was more "realistic" to have that. Blame Nolan.
Ya blame Nolan for giving us the best portrayal of Two-Face ever done live action on screen, felt like a split personailty to me, if you read any of the interviews he did, he explained how he researched split personalities.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Sun, 11 Jan 2009, 17:42 #13 Last Edit: Sun, 11 Jan 2009, 17:44 by Gotham Knight
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Sun, 11 Jan  2009, 07:35
Quote from: Darrell Kaiser on Sat, 10 Jan  2009, 23:16
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sat, 10 Jan  2009, 20:30
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Fri,  9 Jan  2009, 23:08probably because he had no true knowledge of the character and didnt research to find a good medium like Eckhart did.
Hey, Eckhart made a good Harvey but his Two Face?  Not so much.  He felt like "Harvey going crazy" instead of being a legitimate split personality.
It was more "realistic" to have that. Blame Nolan.
Ya blame Nolan for giving us the best portrayal of Two-Face ever done live action on screen, felt like a split personailty to me, if you read any of the interviews he did, he explained how he researched split personalities.

I have to disagree with you there. I personally think, while he did a good job of showing how far his frustration could take him with the coin/goon scene "Let's go again!", which makes his insanity later easier to swallow, there was nothing remotely split about him except his dependence on the coin. In fact, at the film's climax I was extremely disappointed that there seemed to be no conflict within Harvey at any point. It really destroys everything Nolan created in his 'White Knight' image. I expected to see some fight to regain control, even if he failed, but not even that.


"Ya blame Nolan for giving us the best portrayal of Two-Face ever done live action on screen" 

Really? Do we have to throw the ?BEST EVER? title around...I mean?Two Face has been done on the big screen like...two other times, only one other time as Two-Face...doesn't seem like there was a whole lot of competition. Not to undermine your opinion or anything, but that seems?a tad overzealous.

Back on topic, I think Tommy Lee was the perfect choice, but the direction WB wanted the character to go in (Joker) and the character design made for medicore results.

We dont have the throw around "BEST EVER" but I decided to because thats my opinion on the subject, its obvious others dont have to agree, but thats just what I was saying. Also it will be the "BEST EVER" for a long time ( that is if we ever do in the next 50 years get another bat-film with TF), so I wouldnt look forward to seeing anymore of TF in any live action film for a long time if ever again. I can see your point in a way, but to me I see a good split from what he was in the start of the film, to what he was at the end of the film, completly different person.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

I really liked Aaron Eckhardt as Harvey Dent. I never liked Tommy Lee Jones as Two-Face because it seemed that he was just trying to outdo Jack Nicholson,and he was too cartoony.

If I am perfectly honest in 1995, I would have liked to have seen Billy Dee Williams as Two-Face.

The problem I have with the Two-Face character in The Dark Knight is his fall into evil. It wasnt done very well. That is not Eckhardts fault, but the story and the third act is crammed, it doesnt give much room for the character development of Two-Face due to the film was already 2 hours long. Thats why I personally think it was a mastake to kill him off!!
Also, I dont see how his converstaion with the Joker in the hospital would make him blame Gordan for Rachels death! If that were me the first person I would have killed is the Joker, not the Gordan family.
And as some people have said there was no 'split' personality as such. That said though, I think Aaron Eckhardt done a great job, and was only overshadowed because of the Ledger death etc.

The best story I have seen about the origin of Two-Face for me has to be the animated series. I was very impressed by that for a light hearted cartoon, it was very sophisticated and multi-layered and dark.

I agree with you 81, I would have loved to see Billy Dee play Two-Face I think it wouldve been very interesting to watch!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

There was an article I read back in 1995 that said Carrey's make-up took longer to apply than Jones'. I always found that hard to believe.

Agreed on BTAS being the best loved the slight double personality and the confronatations between him and Batman as batman tries to convince harvey to do the right thing and harvey internally fighting between personas.  The bad harv mean streak seems touched upon once in TDK (interogating the shooter ect) but it is done lazily harv reverts back to the shining knight after that one brief spark :'(.

I honestly think Nolan and Co underestimated Twoface's popularity among fans our they would have streached out  his decent into madness after the burning.  Harvey is probably bats most complex foe more Complex then Joker and was Bruce/batmans friend before the burning which adds weight to thier battles. everything before that was done well though, but i would have reduced the stupid CGI to prosthetics which are amazing today compared to 1995.

Quote from: damiean dark on Tue, 13 Jan  2009, 04:49
Agreed on BTAS being the best loved the slight double personality and the confronatations between him and Batman as batman tries to convince harvey to do the right thing and harvey internally fighting between personas.  The bad harv mean streak seems touched upon once in TDK (interogating the shooter ect) but it is done lazily harv reverts back to the shining knight after that one brief spark :'(.

I honestly think Nolan and Co underestimated Twoface's popularity among fans our they would have streached out  his decent into madness after the burning.  Harvey is probably bats most complex foe more Complex then Joker and was Bruce/batmans friend before the burning which adds weight to thier battles. everything before that was done well though, but i would have reduced the stupid CGI to prosthetics which are amazing today compared to 1995.

Ill have to disagree with you completly on that one, they knew what they were getting themselves into, its quite obvious, thats almost a silly statement to say. Werent you aware that for both BB and TDk, Nolan and co. worked very very closely with DC Comics on the films, with creative input from alot of higher ups?

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.