Two-Face's make-up

Started by Paul (ral), Fri, 9 Jan 2009, 02:55

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^ Ya know what?  I buy that.  When Batman lit up the flame breather, he didn't mince words or waste time.  He just rotated the Batmobile and had himself a carbeque.

When he 'sploded the strong man, again, he didn't mess around.  He just dropped the bomb down the dude's drawers, dropped the dude himself down a pipe and went on about his business.

Clearly he was giving Penguin some room in that scene.  If Batman had wanted to whack the guy, he would've.  By doing what he did, he let the Penguin make his own choices.

The tragic irony/poetic justice (you tell me) of using bats on the Penguin to make him fall (who himself had used bats on the ice princess to make her fall) probably went through Oswald's mind on the way down.

Yep, Batman didn't go near Penguin after he scrambled on the ground for it, he didn't go to save him from the bats either. He only moved forward after he had fell down the skylight, looking down to see where he had fell.

Whatever the make-up looked like and whatever Tommy Lee Jones did in the role, the Two-Face character in Forever was way off from the get-go by being only the psychopathic killer. Fans of Forever have pointed out that, in the script, Two-Face was the dark Yin to to Riddler's Yang to provide contrast; the problem is that said contrast is supposed to be within Harvey himself.

As to the make-up, I'm not entirely opposed to the design they went with. The bigger problem is the colouration, not the overall look. I don't think the exposed eye/teeth look was all that successful in The Dark Knight, to be honest, and I think going less extreme would be better for film.

And Billy Dee not getting to play Two-Face is probably my biggest disappointment with the character in Forever, even beyond the campiness and lack of duality.

To me, I think that only Pengiun had been killed off. Joker may have come back and CatWoman never died at the end. Therefore, they may not have killed off Two-face.

I think that the make up in Forever was too perfect...just this line going down the middle.

I think the best two-face thus far is in TDK. I think with realism involved, you need to go with the second appearance of Two-face. Acid eating away is only going to leave redish muscles and other. The explosion will burn it away and leave an illusion of green as money.

Billy Dee is also a good one, he'd look pretty grusome with half his face messed up in the same way, just rid of the stache. A serious politition usually doesn't have much of a difference with a race change. I think Dent was black or mixed in the animated series too. Character didn't feel changed a bit despite being a kid safe show. Not like the job they did in DD with Kingpin where they use the race to change him into a typical black urban mob boss, thus changing who he is.
A smiley's impression of Jack Nicholson    8)

Now as Jack's Joker laughing   :D

Quote from: zDBZ on Sat, 23 May  2009, 18:01
I don't think the exposed eye/teeth look was all that successful in The Dark Knight, to be honest, and I think going less extreme would be better for film.
I agree in a way.

I remember seeing an early Two Face action figure concept months before the film's release, and the facial burn took up only a segment of his face - not a clean half. That's more realistic if you ask me.

Im actually totally satisified with TF's look in TDK, I think it looks great and the closest we've seen to the comics yet.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: DarkVengeance on Mon,  8 Jun  2009, 14:31
Im actually totally satisified with TF's look in TDK, I think it looks great and the closest we've seen to the comics yet.

This appearance sort of reminds me of Tim Sale's drawing of Two-Face.

I do like how he looks as well. I'm just nit picking really. Eckhart's performance is one of the greats in Batman films. Rivalling Ledger in my book.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon,  8 Jun  2009, 14:37
I do like how he looks as well. I'm just nit picking really. Eckhart's performance is one of the greats in Batman films. Rivalling Ledger in my book.
Im glad someone agrees with me on that front, I always felt that way and it makes me angry that Ledger overshadows that whole film, kinda the same way Nicholson did with 89.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.