1989 Batsuit

Started by WingedFreak71, Wed, 7 Jan 2009, 22:58

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from what i knew of batman before the summer of 1989 he always wore gray and blue or gray and black - then when the film came out he's of course mostly all black - oddly though it was never an issue - loved it as soon as he hit the screen, got knocked on his ass by the thugs and stood back up

anyone have a problem back then with him looking different than what we'd known before in comics and tv shows?

also does anyone wish chris nolan would throw some yellow onto bale's costume or do you like it the way it is? - for me the new bat is all ninja - i'd like some yellow in the symbol maybe - and less of a motocross feel maybe as a whole

or how about a new suit with some gray on it? - still armor though, not tights

Wed, 7 Jan 2009, 23:14 #1 Last Edit: Wed, 7 Jan 2009, 23:16 by raleagh
As an 11 year old, when I first saw Keaton on a Batman magazine cover I thought it was way cooler than the few Adam West episodes I had seen.  I realised something was different and I loved it.

I didn't have the comics to reference it from until I bought the magazine (it had a few stories in it).

The black suit has always seemed as a necessity to me to having the character work properly - in terms of appearance - on the screen.

Some dark grey and blue seems to have been integrated into TDK's suit and isn't there a dirty yellow in the belt?

mmm, when i first saw the new TDK suit in a photograph I thought he looked too ninja too, too Robocop looking. I didnt like it.

But after watching the film, I like how Bale worked with the suit. He moved good in it and the cape was great. I thought the cowl is the coolest I have seen, even tho in some scenes it looked like Bales face was squashed in it and he was struggling to say his lines!!

But watching it again, the only thing in common with a bat is the cowl. The suit is a lot like a.....suit! lol Hes very much like he is supposed to be, a Knight in body armour. I dunno if this is on purpose.

The '89 suit never really crossed my mind or bothered me. They where right to go all black! The thing I like about the '89 suit is it does look like a man-bat! It has the human black torso!! I like the idea of when criminals encounter the bat-man in the shadows at night the think "f##k! Thats a half man - half bat!!"
The cowl and cape are cool too, but does bother me that its not fitted neater to Keatons face - but at least he can talk! lol

Would be good to see the yellow embelem if they make a sequel to TDK. But again, maybe thats too 'unrealistic' for Nolan and crew. The bat symbol on the suit in the dark knight to me wasnt reconisable.

All in all I prefere the '89 suit. But maybe I am biased! lol

The '89 suit, without question. He looks like a variation on a Neal Adams drawing and really, looks the closest to Batman of the comics out of any of the film versions. You could believe that that's a giant Bat, basically. I never liked traditional looking "armor" on Batman. That's why I hate the TDK suit. I can stand it, but I don't like it. I want them to give Bale a suit like B89's. Complete with capsule Belt and yellow oval. I know the oval didn't appear in the comics until the 60s, but it's iconic!
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

The 1989 suit is excellent, it's second only to the Returns suit for me. Burton said that it was going black all along, there was no debate about it - and I agree with him 100%.

Well, my favorite suit is the TDK one. For me is a good mix between the classic and the modern. Also is the most flexible off al the Batsuits. Bur I like the 89 one, is very dark and classic.
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.

Quote from: DocLathropBrown on Thu,  8 Jan  2009, 01:12
The '89 suit, without question. He looks like a variation on a Neal Adams drawing and really, looks the closest to Batman of the comics out of any of the film versions. You could believe that that's a giant Bat, basically. I never liked traditional looking "armor" on Batman. That's why I hate the TDK suit. I can stand it, but I don't like it. I want them to give Bale a suit like B89's. Complete with capsule Belt and yellow oval. I know the oval didn't appear in the comics until the 60s, but it's iconic!
Agreed, agreed and agreed again!  To me, Batman should have a costume that plausibly confuses some thug into thinking he's a living shadow or a monster or a demon or something.  "Or some @$$hole in a costume."  That's absolutely plausible with the B89 suit, not so much with the BB/TDK suits.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu,  8 Jan  2009, 21:47
To me, Batman should have a costume that plausibly confuses some thug into thinking he's a living shadow or a monster or a demon or something.  "Or some @$$hole in a costume."  That's absolutely plausible with the B89 suit, not so much with the BB/TDK suits.
Yep, true. Plus 'the bat turn' gives him this animal quality. I like the traditional yellow oval as well, always have. It's essential.

The yellow oval is essential on the Burton suits but not overall.  I think the WB BTAS and esp the Nolan suits looked fine without it.

I never even thought anything of the Bat-turn until I saw the SE and found out about how dreaded the costume was to wear. I always just thought it was part of the way Batman moved in the film. You have to give props to Keaton for making it look so natural.