Pat Hingle- Rest in Peace

Started by BatmAngelus, Sun, 4 Jan 2009, 22:02

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In '89 I think you can kind of see Gordon with the young Bruce standing next to or behind him in that picture on the newspaper about the Wayne murders. I could be seeing things though.

There is definitely a policeman beside in each photo

Yea, according to Hingle that was Gordon in the pic. I don't know if that was actually Pat though.

Just found out about it on Wikipedia. I was shocked. I had no idea, I was just checking if had any upcoming roles.

He will be truly missed and never forgotten.

R.I.P. Pat Hingle a.k.a. Commissioner Gordon
"Jack is dead my friend. You can call me, Joker. And, as you can see, I'm a lot happier."

Hingle were really good as Comish Gordon... it's a shame that he's no longer with us. :'(
R.I.P. Mr. Hingle
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.

RIP Mr. Hingle.

You sir, were my favourite Gordon when I was growing up. Sure, there were the TAS Commish, and the one from the 1960's Adam West show, but for whatever reason, I really enjoyed the screentime you had as Gordon. Even if it was made more and more brief as the series continued.

Thanks for the memories.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."