Superman-III & IV

Started by batass4880, Thu, 18 Dec 2008, 22:45

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Wed, 24 Dec 2008, 01:38 #31 Last Edit: Wed, 24 Dec 2008, 02:29 by The Dark Knight
Some Superman fan....

They have confirmed the direction to go as dark as the character allows.

Quote"We're going to try to go dark to the extent that the characters allow it."
- Jeff Robinov
I saw nothing in that article mentioning anything like a non-flying, non-invulnerable Superman.  In fact, Robinov used the qualifier "to the extent that the characters allow it" and now we've got Chicken Littles running all over the place forecasting (excuse the pun) doom and gloom.

There may even be some merit to that.

But that merit is not immediately obvious from that quote.  In any case, Singer's "vision" (if that's what we're calling it now) is already a proven failure so a sequel is not what the doctor ordered.  With any luck, we'll get the comics-faithful reboot we should've gotten in the first place... but even if we don't, firing Singer and Routh was definitely the right move to make.  No matter what comes next, Singerman doesn't deserve a sequel.

Have you checked out any of Singer's Valkyrie interviews?  There are more "oohs" and "ah's" in there than a porn flick.  The guy's clearly been canned and hasn't found the right way to say it.  If there he was doing ANYTHING with another Superman film (or had prospects of doing so), it'd be in every conceivable interest of his to say so.  His participation is assumed so saying things like "uhhh... gee, ooh, um, ahhh... I can't really... uhhhhh... y'know... talk about it?  Or whatever?" tells us all we need to know.

He's out.

As for BJ The Bartender Routh, he seems to have a slight glimmer of hope.

I still don't see the need to do this. If TDK had the same quality as B&R and made a billion dollars, WB would be getting ready to make a campy and stupid Superman movie.

They should just make a good and honest movie that works for Superman and get off TDK band-wagon. Superman is bright hopeful and very sci-fi. Batman is dark miserable and a little closer to reality.

I never said the non flying thing, but the direction will be something darker.

Quote from: batass4880 on Wed, 24 Dec  2008, 05:29
I still don't see the need to do this. If TDK had the same quality as B&R and made a billion dollars, WB would be getting ready to make a campy and stupid Superman movie.

They should just make a good and honest movie that works for Superman and get off TDK band-wagon. Superman is bright hopeful and very sci-fi. Batman is dark miserable and a little closer to reality.

That's a good point. A studio doesn't care how 'faithful' something is. All they want is M O N E Y.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed, 24 Dec  2008, 06:17
I never said the non flying thing, but the direction will be something darker.
You responded to my post asking for a link to verify the "powerless" thing with a link.  You then called my fandom into question.

If you didn't intend your post to be viewed as an answer/follow up to mine, you probably should've clarified.

I dont really care either way, I just want another new fresh styled superman film with a villain he can battle equally! I really do like Routh regardless of how many people bash him, some people have to get over the fact we'll probably never get a comic accurate "jacked up" buff bodybuilder styled Superman, when he's Clark he will look silly in real life, the comics have a way of hiding it, that in real life isnt so easy to achieve.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

I know that most, if not all of you hated Superman-III but did anyone at least like the part when the good-Superman fought the evil-Superman?