Would you say Batman 1989 is one of your favorite movies of all time?

Started by Jack Napier, Sun, 14 Dec 2008, 04:08

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Quote from: batass4880 on Tue, 16 Dec  2008, 04:21
^Why the change of heart?(just curious) :)

I just prefer the environment, feel, and mood of the 89 movie over Returns
*Wipes blood off of Newspaper*
-Winged freak TERRORIZES? Wait'll they get a load of me.

Batman is my all-time favourite film, I don't really have a list of my top ten but there are certain films that are my all-time favourites.

I definitely love Batman (1989) as one of my all time favorites. But, as I got older, I started to realize I enjoy Batman Returns more. While neither Danny DeVito as the Penguin nor Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman are as stand-out as Jack Nicholson's Joker, I feel that it was a darker film and Michael Keaton seemed to "fit" Batman and Bruce Wayne a little more easier. (However, I now recognize Batman Begins and especially The Dark Knight as superior films. Sorry, Jack. I still love ya, but Heath Ledger is KING! And Christian Bale fits the mold of Batman perfectly.  ;)

Well, its the movie with the biggest influential value to me, and its the first movie I called Favorite, and it was the first movie I was very interested in, it was the first movie I was hyped about and waited for and it was the first new release Ive watched. While I hold it in a very high regards, its Returns thats in my highest top faves

Yes, it's definately a favorite. There's alot that I like about it.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

yes point blank
you ever dance with the devil on a pale moon light

Definitely, no questions asked. This one and Batman Returns are two films close to my heart. Batman Begins is a film I love too - it tends to get forgotten in wake of its sequel, but it was with that film that Batman reclaimed the "throne" of comic book movies.

The funny thing is that The Dark Knight is not even in my all-time top-20, it's not even my favourite from the 00s wave of comic films (Iron-Man probably occupies that spot, in large part thanks to Robert Downey Jr, alongside Batman Begins and Watchmen). To me Ledger's performance as the Joker feels almost like an old meme, and the ultra-hardcore fan-dumb fanboys are probably to blame :)

I would definitlely say so, this film always cheers me up. I also love Jack's Joker, he makes the film for me . The soundtracks brilliant too  :D
My balloons. Those are my balloons. HE STOLE MY BALLOONS!

Batman 89 had the effect on me that it seems the original Star Wars had on people who saw it in theaters. I was only one when SW debuted, and while I grew up watching it countless times (along with its sequels), I was thirteen when I first saw Batman.

I'd grown up knowing about Batman, mainly from my brother's comics and Super Friends. But when the hype for Batman hit, I started reading comics myself. Batman 89 got me into the comic shop, into comics, and made The Batman my favorite hero.

I didn't see Batman in a showy multiplex. Living in a small town and being too young to drive, I was just thrilled to be seeing it. My mom dropped me off and I waited in the first of many movie lines I'd find myself in. I had my Batman t-shirt and had finished the novelization the night before.

I was floored by the movie. The opening theme and title sequence was epic, and I don't think I moved other than to breathe during the entire movie. I must have seen it in theaters at least six times, a feat considering I wasn't driving.

I voraciously read more Batman comics and when Batman 89 was released on VHS, I received it for Christmas. I think I watched it every day or every other day once I got it on VHS. My mom and dad got tired of it after a while, but it still mesmerized me.

I eventually learned that it wasn't a "true" adaptation of the comics, but it didn't matter. The spirit of The Dark Knight was there in every fiber of the film, and it was probably the first film that I'd be honest in saying engaged and grabbed me and fired my imagination.

Are BB and TDK awesome? Heck yes, and faithful in different ways. But they lack that magical, wonderful quality Batman 89 had. But I love 89 and the Nolan films, and they are probably my favorite films of all.