Would you say Batman 1989 is one of your favorite movies of all time?

Started by Jack Napier, Sun, 14 Dec 2008, 04:08

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Excellent memories bat-wing, I for one didn't see it in a theatre but late one night I think in 1990 and it became my all-tme favourite film. I am actually checking into getting a film stock for this film from my local theatre, no matter the price I would love to own it and one day I hope to see this classic film on the big screen.

Oh yeah, most definately!

Batman 1989 was one of those films that I felt sincerely lived up to the hype. And the bat-hype was tremendous. It's also highly likely the VHS tape I watched the most growing up before upgrading to DVD in 2000. And even then, the barebones Batman 1989 DVD was the very first DVD I picked up. Just couldn't pass up a favourite like that.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Excellent! I have heard many people say that they destroyed their VHS tapes because they watched the films so much times. Batman has already gone down as one of the best marketed and hyped films of all time.

One thing I'll say about the hype, I think it was the media and the fans themselves that really hyped the film. WB only made merchandising available months before the film came out and of course, had that brilliant poster with just the date on it. The hype took on a life of its own.