Hurt - A Batman Returns Tribute

Started by Gotham Knight, Wed, 10 Dec 2008, 18:28

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Wed, 10 Dec 2008, 18:28 Last Edit: Wed, 10 Dec 2008, 18:52 by Gotham Knight
My first ever vid on youtube! A batman music vid! Check it out!

Cool video! :) I prefer the original version of the song by Nine Inch Nails though. :(

Cool video.  :)
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

AWESOME video. Man i love that song, the NIN version is also great but i think it was Trent Razor (sry if spelt wrong) did the original song.

Quote from: Sandman on Thu, 11 Dec  2008, 23:36
AWESOME video. Man i love that song, the NIN version is also great but i think it was Trent Razor (sry if spelt wrong) did the original song.

Trent Reznor is basically NIN, if I understand what you're saying correctly. He writes, performs and programs almost 100% of his albums, in case you didn't know. ;)

Johnny Cash's version is the best! ;D

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: batass4880 on Fri, 12 Dec  2008, 00:22
Quote from: Sandman on Thu, 11 Dec  2008, 23:36
AWESOME video. Man i love that song, the NIN version is also great but i think it was Trent Razor (sry if spelt wrong) did the original song.

Trent Reznor is basically NIN, if I understand what you're saying correctly. He writes, performs and programs almost 100% of his albums, in case you didn't know. ;)

Ah cool nah i didn't know that, but you learn somthing new everyday ;).

Quote from: DarkVengeance on Fri, 12 Dec  2008, 01:46
Johnny Cash's version is the best! ;D

You right, the Johnny Cash one is just more...well "powerful" if you know wht i mean.