Crazy TV edits

Started by Paul (ral), Wed, 3 Dec 2008, 00:59

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How were the movies edited for tv broadcasts in other countries?

In the UK the following bits were cut:

Eckhart says "You're full of THAT Knox" instead of "You're full of sh*t Knox"

Jack Napier saying "Jesus" when Batman lifts him is cut out

Joker taking to the burnt Rotelli was cut entirely

Batman's fight with the swordmaster goon (Master Sken) was cut entirely

During Bruce and Vicki's conversation in Vicki's apartment, when Vicki says "I even slept with you, I can't believe I did that" it is shortened to "I can't believe I did that"

That's all I can remember.  Anymore?

Wed, 3 Dec 2008, 01:03 #1 Last Edit: Wed, 3 Dec 2008, 02:07 by Sandman
I don't know what other country's this was in but.

When Joker was standing down the Batwing he say's:
"Come to me you son of a Bat" instead of "Come to me you son of a *****".

Wed, 3 Dec 2008, 01:50 #2 Last Edit: Wed, 3 Dec 2008, 02:18 by batass4880
In the U.S. "hezeus marimba" gets muted out. I don't know for sure but I have a feeling it's another way of saying Jesus Christ or something like that.


Quote from: Sandman on Wed,  3 Dec  2008, 01:03I don't know what other country's this was in but.

When Joker was standing downthe Batwing he say's:
"Come to me you son of a Bat" instead of "Come to me you son of a *****".

That also gets cut out here(U.S.)

Quote from: Sandman on Wed,  3 Dec  2008, 01:03
When Joker was standing downthe Batwing he say's:
"Come to me you son of a Bat" instead of "Come to me you son of a *****".
;D How corny.

Quote from: batass4880 on Wed,  3 Dec  2008, 01:50
In the U.S. "hezeus marimba" gets muted out. I don't know for sure but I have a feeling it's another way of saying Jesus Christ or something like that.


Quote from: Sandman on Wed,  3 Dec  2008, 01:03I don't know what other country's this was in but.

When Joker was standing downthe Batwing he say's:
"Come to me you son of a Bat" instead of "Come to me you son of a *****".

That also gets cut out here(U.S.)

To fit it into the alloted time. The biggest kissoff is that movies are lengthed on tv edits anyway because of commericals, usually to about 30 extra minutes.

Theres nothing really that bad that shoulda been edited out, except maybe the word "sh*t"!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

As I said in the other thread, Jack Palance saying the b word is silenced. You still see him say it, but you can't hear it. So its like he's mouthing it.

Also, Knox saying "what a dick" is edited out.

Also Jack talking to the fried gangster. It shows him talking to Bob and shows him making the goofy face, then cuts to the shot of the burnt gangster, and Jack laughing in the background.

Also the Axis Chemicals scene is cut to shreds.
*Wipes blood off of Newspaper*
-Winged freak TERRORIZES? Wait'll they get a load of me.

Quote from: YouCanCallMeJoker on Wed,  3 Dec  2008, 05:32Also the Axis Chemicals scene is cut to shreds.

Really? I didn't know that. What a rip!

These reasons among plenty of others is why I will not ever watch ANY of the bat-films on television, it ruins the whole experience for me, whenever they cut footage or go to commercial it just ruins the feel for me, and makes me not enjoy whatever film it is at all whatsoever. If I want to watch any of the films I just go throw it in the old dvd player with the bigscreen and surround sound and fully enjoy my own personal bat-theater haha.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

They showed BATMAN one early afternoon on German TV and if I can recall correctly, the following edits were made.

Grissom getting shot several times. In this edit you only had the shots of the Joker shooting in tune to the Waltz, omitting the reaction shots of Grissom.

The mob boss catching fire from the electrocution of the Joker's buzzer. The rest of the scene remained intact, if I recall correctly.

The mob bosses' life being ended by the almighty feather.

The close-up of Joker's fake teeth, covered in blood.