What do you actually LIKE from the Schumacher films?

Started by DarkVengeance, Wed, 26 Nov 2008, 04:18

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Out of all Batman movies i have probably seen Batman Forever the most.
But i dont think its the best one, I enjoy all the Batman films.

Im just more obsessed with Batman Forever because it have my favorite Batman suit, The nipples doesnt really bother me much. Rest of the suit make up for it. The favorite parts of the suit for me is the Cowl emblem,belt and gloves.

There is alot of good visual effects and production design in the movie too, I also like the fact it doesnt feel like it was shot in a studio lot. Gotham feels so much bigger then it did in '89 and Returns, Sure there is lots of neon and crap but if you look past that its a great design.

I think all of the Batman Movies has their up and downs, Even '89 and Returns. I dont care much at all for Nolans movies as they doesnt feel like Batman movies to me, Its too realistic for my taste. Wich is probably why i enjoy the older movies alot more, Even Forever and B&R.

Too realistic ehh?? Thats the excuse everyone uses, I know Batman has fantasy elements, but he is one of the most REALISTIC comic book characters of all time, its about time he was given the chance to be seen that way!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Wed, 31 Dec 2008, 03:49 #32 Last Edit: Wed, 31 Dec 2008, 03:53 by Proximo
Too realistic might be the wrong word,I like both Begins and TDK alot, Just like i like all the other movies.
Like i said, All have their up and downs. But there is something that always felt off for me with Nolans movies in Some scenes. I dont know what... Maybe im too used with the fantasy world Burton and Schumacher did.
However, I get goosebumps in many scenes in Begins and TDK...Same feeling i get with Keatons opening scene and pretty much all the way through B'89.

Quote from: Proximo on Wed, 31 Dec  2008, 03:49
Too realistic might be the wrong word,I like both Begins and TDK alot, Just like i like all the other movies.
Like i said, All have their up and downs. But there is something that always felt off for me with Nolans movies in Some scenes. I dont know what... Maybe im too used with the fantasy world Burton and Schumacher did.
However, I get goosebumps in many scenes in Begins and TDK...Same feeling i get with Keatons opening scene and pretty much all the way through B'89.

Thats what I like to here my friend!!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Well, what I like in BF:
- Val Kilmer's Batman;
- Forever panther suit, if hasn't that nipples ( >:() it would be great;
- Bruce remembering his parents;
- The party scene/ Robin's rescuing Bats
I actually just like TWO things from B&R:
- Bruce/Alfred relationship was very deep and interesting;
- The PS1 videogame. Yeah, it's free-roaming!  ;D
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.

You actually liked THAT game!? Sorry, it's just that I don't read that too often. I hated it (I didn't own it, but I played it once), but the Batman Beyond game is far worse!

Yeah, I almost LOVE the B&R game, TBR! ;D
Batman Beyond game is very bad, I agree.
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.

Batman Forever:

I liked Kilmer as Bruce and Batman, prefered him over Keaton tbh.
Love the opening sequence, like a James bond movie, dropped right into the action stemming from a previous adventure.
Robin's origin onscreen.
Dick Grayson fighting the thugs and Batman scaring them all away by his mere presence.
Robin rescuing Batman from the rubble which was very like Tim Drakes 1st meeting with Batman. Batman coming out of teh flames just before that too.
Carrey's Riddler was pretty entertaining I thought espcially the scene where he first meets Two-Face.
The diving Save of chase and Robin at the end, very well done, good sfx.

Batman and Robin:

I like seeing the Batmobile and Redbird blasting out of the batcave and going along the tunnel, could've been a little longer though.
The skydive is very enjoyable to me, i like seeing Robin crawling up the side of rocket and the moment when Batman swoops down on Freeze.
The car chase over the man-arm bridge, probably my fav scene from this movie by far, love BM and Robin's mid chase argument, sfx are good too. Crap way of ending though with Batman smashing into the window then standing over Freeze(looks like stand ins too.)

Thu, 22 Jan 2009, 22:59 #38 Last Edit: Thu, 22 Jan 2009, 23:15 by The Batman Returns
You liked Kilmer more than Keaton (sorry, I just don't hear or read that too often)? Would you like to elaborate on that? I'm willing to listen. :) BTW, we never do see what Batman do to Freeze under that cape. Reminds me of the part where Batman lifts his cape over Vicki Vale, leading to her waking up from her slumber in the next scene.

Quote from: The Batman Returns on Thu, 22 Jan  2009, 22:59
You liked Kilmer more than Keaton (sorry, I just don't hear or read that too often)? Would you like to elaborate on that? I'm willing to listen. :) BTW, we never do see what Batman do to Freeze under that cape. Reminds me of the part where Batman lifts his cape over Vicki Vale, leading to her waking up from her slumber in the next scene.

That's cool. I was already a Kilmer fan after seeing him in Doors movie, maybe that played a part in it. I liked his voice and demeanor and thought he played the mentor role very well. I think Keaton had a great Batman voice, better than Kilmers, but to an extent I thought his Batman could be a little too weird sometimes, I thought the character of BM as portrayed by Kilmer was more like the character from the comics, more straight up heroic.
I know Burton and Keaton were going for the 'is he psychotic?' angle on Batman, but that didn't always sit right with me. They had him doing weird little smiles that I liked (to Napier in Axis Chemicals), but I don't know, maybe having him outright killing people combined with this aspect put me off that portrayal a little.
Also, I thought Kilmer looked more like Batman/Bruce Wayne, although Keaton had the voice, he was a little small for my tastes, sorry to say. But it didn't bother me that much. I think I prefer Kilmer as an actor generally though.
Bob Kane said he preffered Kilmer btw.