What do you actually LIKE from the Schumacher films?

Started by DarkVengeance, Wed, 26 Nov 2008, 04:18

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Fri, 23 Jan 2009, 01:52 #40 Last Edit: Tue, 17 Feb 2009, 22:03 by The Batman Returns
Bob Kane was just being professional. He said the same thing about liking Keaton & Clooney as being the best.

I'm positive old Bob said Kilmer was his fav.
Yeah I know there are plenty of people who like Keaton the best, and I do think some of his scenes are of the best Batman, his 1st scene as Batman is still one of my favs of all time, from any movie, and I watch it all the time, never get tired of it. But, Kilmer has his moments too, mostly with Dick/Robin, the sequence in the Bat-cave after Robin saves him especially.
Bale is my fav ultimately though, he has all the requirements i need from an actor portraying Bruce/Batman, scary, funny, mysterious and has a build not disimilar to BM in the comics. I think Keaton's "I'm Batman" was better than his though.

I remember Kane saying "ENTER ACTOR NAME HERE is the best batman" about all the actors he was alive to see ( Keaton to Clooney). He was just trying to get people to see it. His true opinion is harder to nail down.

You may be right about Kane, but I remember in an article I read at this website that Kane was more than happy with the way Batman turned out and he was especially proud of the two leads.

Quote from: The Batman Returns on Sat, 17 Jan  2009, 17:32
You actually liked THAT game!? Sorry, it's just that I don't read that too often. I hated it (I didn't own it, but I played it once), but the Batman Beyond game is far worse!

Haha B&R for ps1 freakin ruled. Its my favorite game to this day. All anyone has to do is put a little effort forth to learn the controls, but no one ever ever does haha. you CAN upgrade your abilities and move VERY fast in this game. but nobody knows that do they haha...

Well Anyway i respect the schumacher films for what they are because to me they represent the 60's era of batman, but realized on film. Without B&R we wouldnt have the perfect, oscar winning spectacle The Dark Knight.

Batman Forever

-Robin, Loved the suit and I just like robin in general, so it was nice to see him.

-Obviously liked Val. Good chemistry with Chris ODonnell

-The hype, I love major bat hype haha.

Everything in this film was good to me except the damn ass shot and the damn drive thu line at the beginning. otherwise it was awesome. Seeing the batwing back gave me chills, still to this day! Alot of it was well done and showed Schumacher had ability to make a batman film...

Batman and Robin

-WONDERFUL costume design, such as Freeze, Ivy, and Robins... if they just had all the other elements worked out, the designs could have been the best for any bat-film in my opinion. rid the nipples, rip the terrible lines, ...i don't have to go on.. haha... Imagine all those designs put into an epic batman masterpiece film. Yea?

-It gave me Batman and Robin for PS1, My favorite game.

-The Bat-Robin Logo, ..Is a very cool design!

-Superb special effects, like the skydive. Holds up today still.

Also the music for both films was pretty sweet.

Quote from: TPerry007 on Sun,  8 Feb  2009, 10:11
Haha B&R for ps1 freakin ruled. Its my favorite game to this day. All anyone has to do is put a little effort forth to learn the controls, but no one ever ever does haha. you CAN upgrade your abilities and move VERY fast in this game. but nobody knows that do they haha...

Well Anyway i respect the schumacher films for what they are because to me they represent the 60's era of batman, but realized on film. Without B&R we wouldnt have the perfect, oscar winning spectacle The Dark Knight.

Batman Forever

-Robin, Loved the suit and I just like robin in general, so it was nice to see him.

-Obviously liked Val. Good chemistry with Chris ODonnell

-The hype, I love major bat hype haha.

Everything in this film was good to me except the damn ass shot and the damn drive thu line at the beginning. otherwise it was awesome. Seeing the batwing back gave me chills, still to this day! Alot of it was well done and showed Schumacher had ability to make a batman film...

Batman and Robin

-WONDERFUL costume design, such as Freeze, Ivy, and Robins... if they just had all the other elements worked out, the designs could have been the best for any bat-film in my opinion. rid the nipples, rip the terrible lines, ...i don't have to go on.. haha... Imagine all those designs put into an epic batman masterpiece film. Yea?

-It gave me Batman and Robin for PS1, My favorite game.

-The Bat-Robin Logo, ..Is a very cool design!

-Superb special effects, like the skydive. Holds up today still.

Also the music for both films was pretty sweet.

BF: I agree w/ you on Forever. A lot of people bash it b/c it was directed by JS, who directed B&R, one of the most hated films of all time. So, I think that's unfair. The dark tone & seriousness has dropped, but not entirely.

However, Dick Grayson acted like the second Robin (Jason Todd) in both films when he gave a bad attitude, & as for the movie being based on the 60's, I'd go more w/ the 40's, 50's, a little bit of the 80's & 90's, & some creative thinking (an odd Gotham City, Chase Meridian, Sonar Suit, etc.).

B&R: I've never liked the movie as a true Batman movie. However, as I got older, I looked at it as a comedy & as a movie predominantly based on the 60's show, w/ some B:TAS & 90's elements thrown in there, such as Mr. Freeze trying to find a cure for his wife, Bane (although he was done horribly), Robin's costume (looks a lot like his Nightwing costume in the late 90's), & that's just about it. Other than that, it's just a comedy from my view.

And as for the praise that TDK is getting, Batman Returns plays a part in there as well. Had TDK been released back in 1992, I'm sure it would've had a backlash.

Fri, 13 Feb 2009, 01:08 #46 Last Edit: Fri, 13 Feb 2009, 01:41 by Sandman
Quote from: The Batman Returns on Sat, 17 Jan  2009, 17:32And as for the praise that TDK is getting, Batman Returns plays a part in there as well. Had TDK been released back in 1992, I'm sure it would've had a backlash.

Well thank god someone else said it, But then again Batman Returns is a FAR darker movie then TDK could dream of being.

Fri, 13 Feb 2009, 01:25 #47 Last Edit: Tue, 24 Mar 2009, 16:36 by Dark Knight Detective
Quote from: Sandman on Fri, 13 Feb  2009, 01:08
Quote from: The Batman Returns on Sat, 17 Jan  2009, 17:32
You actually liked THAT game!? Sorry, it's just that I don't read that too often. I hated it (I didn't own it, but I played it once), but the Batman Beyond game is far worse!

Well thank god someone else said it, But then again Batman Returns is a FAR darker movie then TDK could dream of being.

WHOAH! I was talking about the B&R video game. Are you saying that you agree w/ what I said?

I was actully agreeing on what you said about TDK in 1992, but i fixed it now ;).

Batman Forever:

I liked Two-Face's opening speech. It was the closest to character development we were going to get.

I like it when the Batmobile blew up because I hated that car!

I thought "Battleship" was kinda funny.

I like Two-Face's other good line

"You have broken into our hideout. You have violated the sanctity of our lair. For this we should crush your bones into Powder. However, you propose a most interesting proposition; Therefore Heads, we accept, and tails... We Blow you d@#% head off!

Why did it have to come up heads?
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?