What do you actually LIKE from the Schumacher films?

Started by DarkVengeance, Wed, 26 Nov 2008, 04:18

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Tue, 24 Mar 2009, 22:11 #70 Last Edit: Tue, 24 Mar 2009, 22:15 by Dark Knight Detective
Quote from: catwoman on Tue, 24 Mar  2009, 22:07
i can't stand nicole kidman but i even like chase lol.

Funny, because it's vice-versa for me (as it's mentioned in this page)! ;D

Quote from: catwoman on Tue, 24 Mar  2009, 22:07
i like batman and robin too. its a good fun movie to watch with friends or entertain their little ones with so we can talk. :P

I was going to suggest that Batman: Mask of the Phantasm would be a better substitute (IMHO anyway), but with Arnold's portrayal of Freeze & whatnot, I guess it's a good comedy for the kiddies.

mask of the phantasm is too scary for them! plus its so far over their heads. we tried one time and when they weren't crying they were like "this is stupid!" and i was like "just wait for batman" and then they'd be crying again or fall asleep. that worked well enough too lol.

Quote from: catwoman on Tue, 24 Mar  2009, 22:50
mask of the phantasm is too scary for them! plus its so far over their heads. we tried one time and when they weren't crying they were like "this is stupid!" and i was like "just wait for batman" and then they'd be crying again or fall asleep. that worked well enough too lol.

LOL. I was the complete opposite (I was really young, mind you), & I loved watching it so much that the tape ended up burning out.

i liked it too! it just makes more sense when i watch it now when i'm 23 than when i was 8 lol.

That was a nice little B:TAS conversation, Catwoman, but let's get back on topic (if you don't mind).

Uma Thurman's portrayal of Poison Ivy was another of one of your favorite things from Schumacher's films, correct Catwoman?

Quote from: Dark Knight Detective on Tue, 24 Mar  2009, 23:23
That was a nice little B:TAS conversation, Catwoman, but let's get back on topic (if you don't mind).

Uma Thurman's portrayal of Poison Ivy was another of one of your favorite things from Schumacher's films, correct Catwoman?

bleh, FINE! :P

oh. yes. i meant that when i said i liked b&r lol. her character had some effects on me just like michelle's selina did.

Looking back on Two-Face, I wouldn't necessarily mind his giggling(it was in his first origin story) as long as they played him more bi-polar, swinging from giddiness to absolute rage or depressed brooding at the drop of a hat. Even then, it probably wouldn't help the film any.
Why is there always someone who bring eggs and tomatoes to a speech?

The problem is that everytime I watch Schumacher's Batman films I can't help thinking how much better further Tim Burton sequels would have been.
The failure of Batman Forever and Batman & Robin is an even bigger pity since Schumacher could have made a great Batman film - check out The Lost Boys and Flatliners for the type of tone that would have been near-perfect for the character.  However, I do attribute a lot of the Schumacher films failure to the studio and the screenwriter who also wrote the execreble Lost in Space film.
Back to the topic, I would say that the positive aspects of Schumacher's Batman films include his attempts to portray a more classical playboy type Bruce Wayne, like the comic.  Batman Forever's greater focus on Bruce Wayne's reasons for becoming Batman was also welcome.  I like some of the films' songs, Jim Carrey's performance as The Riddler whilst his act was still fresh.  Also Scharzeneggar was physically well-cast as Mr Freeze.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

Yeah, I watch BF & B&R thinking about how would bee the Burton,s B3 too...
Batman Arkham Asylum: The Batman game the fans were waiting for.

About a month back i put on Batman89 for my brother who hadn't seen it since 2002, and after watching the greatest Batman movie of all time its easy to say i was in a Batmood and wanted more. So i turn on the tv and to my surpirse Batman and Robin was on (feeling to lazy to put in a dvd i watched it) and half hour later i wanted to hang myself. THIS IS A WARNING: TAKE IT FROM ME DO NOT WATCH 89 THEN B&R IT HURTS YOUR BRAIN.