What do you actually LIKE from the Schumacher films?

Started by DarkVengeance, Wed, 26 Nov 2008, 04:18

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I know this is off topic from Schumacher's films, but this also brings up the Dark Knight, when after saving those two ferries and defeating the Joker and then defeating Two-Face, Batman is greatly humanized at then end when you see him completely tired and out of breath. I sure as hell know that I would be tired if I was shot, stabbed, beaten with a metal bar, bitten by vicious dogs, nearly ripped my arm from its socket trying to save a mad man, defeated a whole swat team unit, stopped an insane district attorney, saved a police commissioner's family, fell about 6 stories and landed on my back, plus then to still have the stamina to get up and run from the cops. Yeah, I think that could be very tiring for any human which is what Batman is, a human.

This also brings up why I like Burton's Batman because after saving Gotham, he survived a plane crash, a pretty nasty plane crash, climbed a sh*t load of stairs, dealt with two of the Joker's goons, one of which was some sort of ninja, got his ass handed to him by a strong and big ass black guy probably hopped up on cocaine and steroids, and then beat him, beat the Joker's ass pretty thoroughly, and then saved the girl.
No rest, not for the wicked...nor those who dare deal with them.

Quote from: batman89 on Tue, 18 Aug  2009, 17:49
I know this is off topic from Schumacher's films, but this also brings up the Dark Knight, when after saving those two ferries and defeating the Joker and then defeating Two-Face, Batman is greatly humanized at then end when you see him completely tired and out of breath. I sure as hell know that I would be tired if I was shot, stabbed, beaten with a metal bar, bitten by vicious dogs, nearly ripped my arm from its socket trying to save a mad man, defeated a whole swat team unit, stopped an insane district attorney, saved a police commissioner's family, fell about 6 stories and landed on my back, plus then to still have the stamina to get up and run from the cops. Yeah, I think that could be very tiring for any human which is what Batman is, a human.

This also brings up why I like Burton's Batman because after saving Gotham, he survived a plane crash, a pretty nasty plane crash, climbed a sh*t load of stairs, dealt with two of the Joker's goons, one of which was some sort of ninja, got his ass handed to him by a strong and big ass black guy probably hopped up on cocaine and steroids, and then beat him, beat the Joker's ass pretty thoroughly, and then saved the girl.

Though off topic you have a great point that I agree with completly.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

Quote from: batman89 on Tue, 18 Aug  2009, 17:49This also brings up why I like Burton's Batman because after saving Gotham, he survived a plane crash, a pretty nasty plane crash, climbed a sh*t load of stairs, dealt with two of the Joker's goons, one of which was some sort of ninja, got his ass handed to him by a strong and big ass black guy probably hopped up on cocaine and steroids, and then beat him, beat the Joker's ass pretty thoroughly, and then saved the girl.
Two things.

First, not to take this even further off topic, but this is one reason why I find Batman killing the big dude in the belfry to ethically justifiable.  The Joker was minutes from getting away.  The Joker was throwing every thug he had left at Batman to either stop him or else slow him down to facilitate the Joker's escape.  Batman had to cut through them if he was to have any hope of saving Vicki.

Second, as you say, this goes back to Batman's grit.  To me, a classic image is Batman staggering along with basically just his suit holding him together and somehow pulling an ass-kicking out of his hat for anybody stupid enough to cross him on his way to whatever he's doing.  In fact, this is one of the things that made Bane breaking Batman's back kinda hard to believe.  Batman would find a way to drop the smack down on his ass.  But even if he just physically couldn't do it anymore (which I guess is possible), I could see Batman calmly chit-chatting like he did... while he sneakily pulls something out of his utility belt that'll incapacitate his opponent.  I just cannot buy into anything else.  Batman never fights anybody unless he already knows how to win.  He would view any other method as suicide, imho.  While he may not always get the exact victory that he wants...

Batman.  Never.  Loses.

QuoteTo me, a classic image is Batman staggering along with basically just his suit holding him together and somehow pulling an ass-kicking out of his hat for anybody stupid enough to cross him on his way to whatever he's doing

That sums it up quite nicely.

Now what I can say that I enjoy from the Schumacher films is the scene in Forever where Batman crashes that party through the ceiling window, I think it's a ceiling window or a glass statue, and starts kicking ass, no questions asked.  Then it was very Batman like when he leaped from the top of the building to catch Two-Face and they show his decent. The comics always have scenes like that where we see Batman leaping from buildings, cape fully extended in the air. The Burton films did not have a scene quite like that one.

If there is one reason to like Batman and Robin it is because of this link.

No rest, not for the wicked...nor those who dare deal with them.

I forgot to mention, the fight scenes in Forever were certainly an area where they obviously spared no expense, very well done and very entertaining.

Also, though TLJ Two-Face was kind of a waste, there were flashes of brilliance and I really think in that opening scene with the bank guard was a good representation of the character, even if a little over the top.

One thing I only noticed tonight was after the helicopter crashes into Lady Gotham - half of her face is destroyed!

Yeah, that was a nice touch. As is Batman's *gasp* when he emerges from the water, swimming in his 20 Kg outfit  :)

i think i am definitely gonna have to get the blu-ray of BF

Quote from: ral on Thu,  8 Oct  2009, 23:09
i think i am definitely gonna have to get the blu-ray of BF
Did someone have a gun to your head when you typed that?