Burton to do a 3rd Batman?

Started by Knight-of-Darkness, Sat, 22 Nov 2008, 19:47

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QuoteI totally agree with you that I would love to see another batwing, or batplane, though its too bad the production designers for both BB and TDK have all said that if they do a third they have no interest in doing a plane, and that they would probably focus on a batboat of some sort, that a batplane or batwing would be unbpractical in Nolans realm.
They're right... once again demonstrating the myriad weaknesses and defiencies of Nolan's realism...

Actully there's a ride called "The Batwing" over here,  it's just one of those take you high and drop you ride's, but the pic's and design are of those Navy plane's, which really looked like something Nolan would use in his movie.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sun, 23 Nov  2008, 20:22
QuoteI totally agree with you that I would love to see another batwing, or batplane, though its too bad the production designers for both BB and TDK have all said that if they do a third they have no interest in doing a plane, and that they would probably focus on a batboat of some sort, that a batplane or batwing would be unbpractical in Nolans realm.
They're right... once again demonstrating the myriad weaknesses and defiencies of Nolan's realism...
Theres no weakness in it at all, its just the theme they wanted to portray in their world, we've already seen plenty of fantastical versions of batman before, and twice before we have seen batwings in bat-films, personally id like to see something new done, something we havent seen before, which is exactly what theyre going for. I dont know anyone who enjoys seeing the same thing over and over again, that really is boring.

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.

If it were just about Batwings, I'd agree with your point.  But it's more than that.  Making Batman realistic shows us how realistic these character and their world is NOT.

Batman is the most realistic comic book charchter in all comic book worlds, it should be this way!

I have given a name to my pain, and it is BATMAN.